
Why do senior military leaders continue to push an agenda like this?

Former Space Force Commander, LTC Matthew Lohmeier (USAFA ’06) was on Jesse Watters show talking about the Navy’s odd decision to use a drag queen to help recruitment.

Also at the beginning, Watters has thoughtful things to say about it’s not all about the individual, it’s about the mission. Also note the SECDEF’s erroneous answer to Congressman Gaetz.

Watch video:


Jesse Watters

Lace up the boots, throw on the fatigues. We have the most powerful military in the world–not even close. To get here, it took hundreds of years–hard work, discipline, dedication.

The men and women who protect America, they don’t do it for fame, money or glory. They do it because they think the country’s still worth fighting for.

After they enlist, they get shipped off to boot camp. Lace up the boots, throw on the fatigues, buzz the hair. Imagine how I’d look?

Everybody looks exactly the same. Why? Well, because it’s not about the individual. It’s about the MISSION.

To keep this principle alive, recruiters have sold young men and women on being part of something that’s actually bigger than themselves.

Navy Recruitment Video voiceover

“The call to serve is at once invisible and always present. And for those who choose to answer the call for their country, for their fellow man, for themselves, it is the most powerful force on Earth. America’s Navy: A global force for good.”

Jesse Watters

Guess how old that commercial is? It’s a little over ten years old. And we’ve changed a lot since then. Recruitment took a nosedive. Kids are being told it’s not a country worth fighting for.

You combine that with obesity, drug use and criminal records–getting kind of hard to find people eligible to serve.

Navy’s going to fall–ready?–8000 bodies short of the recruitment goal this year, so they’re tweaking their recruitment strategy.

Meet the new face of the Navy:

Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley

Hey, all you fabulous faces, it’s your girl, Harpy Daniels. I’m sad and sad stands for successful and dangerous. Smart and dedicated. Sassy and dramatic. Strong and determined. Spicy and delicious.

Jesse Watters

So that’s Joshua Kelly, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels. Harpy’s a sailor who says he’s not a man or a woman. And the Navy picked this guy to help recruit cadets.

Harpy advertises how great the Navy is by dressing in drag, putting on makeup, doing his hair and nails, and singing and dancing. If you join the Navy, you can just be like Harpy.

The Navy wants cross dressing sailors manning their ships. If you don’t identify as a man or a woman, but are into the drag queen scene, join the Navy.

That’s the message here.

It’s not about your country.

It’s not about teamwork.

It’s not about the mission.

It’s about YOU and your IDENTITY. You’re the star of the show.

The Navy’s here, and you’re here [above the Navy], attracting all of the attention, because that’s what this is about.

Now, I don’t care what you do in your free time. Harpy can put on women’s clothes. Who cares?

But when it comes to the Navy, it’s not about me, me, me. It’s about the sea and making the sea safe.

You can’t show up to basic training in stilettos and a blonde wig. You need to be in uniform.

Everybody wears the same uniform for a reason. It’s called unit cohesion. It’s about serving something greater than yourself.

But Harpy doesn’t just recruit. Harpy entertains. Here’s Harpy performing a drag show for sailors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan. Yeah. Harpy, he’s given it all he’s got. He loves the spotlight, doesn’t he?

And here’s Harpy on a game show telling the world how he boosts morale on base.

Game show host

Joshua, you once went viral as a drag queen.

Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley

We did. Morale gets very low on deployment, and our MWR put together a lip sync competition. Well, as a drag queen, I put some heels, put some makeup on, and I actually won the lip syncing competition in full drag in the middle of deployment.

Jesse Watters

So this is odd because the Secretary of Defense said there are no drag shows on bases.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

How much taxpayer money should go to fund drag queen story hours on military bases?

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

You know, drag, drag queen story hours is not something that the Department funds.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

At Nellis Air Force Base, you had the Drag-U-Nellis on June 17. Who funded these things, Mr. Secretary?

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Listen, drag shows are not something that the Department of Defense supports or funds.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

Why are they happening on military bases? I just showed you the evidence. Why are they happening?

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

I will say again, this is not something that we support or fund.

Jesse Watters

Well, either Lloyd Austin is lying or he has no idea what’s going on.

And what’s wrong with the Navy? They looked at what happened with Bud Light and said, Hold my beer?

Harpy’s the Navy’s Dylan. Dylan killed Bud Light sales. What do you think Harpy is going to do to recruitment? And where does that leave us?

Let’s bring in former Space Force Lieutenant Colonel and Commander Matthew Lohmeier. He was forced to resign from the military for criticizing Woke.

What is going on with the Navy? Here we have a statement from the Navy. They acknowledge this is a digital ambassador program, a pilot initiative to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates.

LTC Matthew Lohmeier, USAFA ’06, former USAF/Space Force

Jesse, thanks for having me on.

First off, I think it’s terribly unfortunate that every time the United States military is showing up in the news, it’s over things like this anymore these days. The American people see this and think, this has become our military.

So, first and foremost, I think it’s important that I should say, and I fail to do this often enough, thank you to the good men and women who nobly serve our country in uniform every day of their lives because they show up believing in the greatness of the American ideal and because they’re willing to lay their life on the line in defense of this country.

I have to wonder who it is that our senior military leaders, in fact, think they’re appealing to in the recruiting process by hiring a drag queen as their digital ambassador?

I mean, they’re certainly not incentivizing our men and women in uniform to stick around if they’re decent people who believe in the Western nuclear family, as we’ve often referred to it.

They don’t want their kids around this stuff. They don’t want to show up after hours and participate in this stuff.

It’s just not true that it’s helping our recruiting efforts.

What’s surprising is not that it’s taking place because, in fact, we’ve known for the past couple of years during the Biden administration, this has been taking place more and more.

What’s surprising is that senior military leaders continue to push an agenda like this, despite the fact that it’s hurting our recruiting efforts and it’s hurting our retention, and frankly, it can’t help our lethality and our readiness.

Jesse Watters

Someone had to approve this in the Navy and say, I’m going to put a drag queen out to dance and wiggle, and that’s going to attract recruits to join the Navy. Someone had to think this was a good idea. In what world is that a good idea?

LTC Matthew Lohmeier, USAFA ’06, former USAF/Space Force

Well, this is a really unwise strategy. Frankly, you shouldn’t call it a strategy. It’s unwise decision-making by our senior military leaders.

What also is surprising is I know that we have senior ranking members of our military in all branches of the military who are appalled by this stuff, and yet you’re not hearing from them. You’re calling on the late, so to speak, Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier.

Why is it that we seem also to have a crisis of courage among our senior military ranks?

But you’re right, there are people that have to make decisions about these things.

What’s disappointing to Americans generally is that this is a partisan issue somehow.

Why is it that Democrats and Republicans on both sides of the aisle and Congress can’t come together and say, hey, overnight we are going to unite and eliminate this kind of thing from our armed forces?

Why is it that it’s conservatives that are speaking up in defense of our troops who can’t, frankly, speak up freely on behalf of themselves?

Conservatives have been interested in reaching out to me in the wake of me being fired from my command to discuss Marxist-rooted critical race theory and the diversity and inclusion industry.

The Democrats, some of whom I requested meetings with, didn’t want to touch these issues with a ten foot pole.

We’ll never solve our problems until Democrats and Republicans, both sides of the political aisle, are able to unite and say, what is dividing our military hurts lethality and readiness.

We have to take this kind of stuff seriously.

Jesse Watters

It sure does. Especially the way things are shaping up in the Pacific with China.

It’s not even about the gender stuff with the drag. You wouldn’t advertise for Navy recruitment with chippendale half naked male dancers. You just wouldn’t do it. It’s not tasteful, and it doesn’t go with the vibe of we’re all in this together.

Thank you very much, Colonel, and we got to run, but we appreciate your insight.

Space Force commander fired for criticizing CRT rips Navy’s turn to drag queens for recruitment (Fox News, 4 May 23)
A former Space Force lieutenant colonel who was relieved of his command in 2021 after criticizing the rise of wokeness and critical race theory principles within the military sounded off on the U.S. Navy’s latest recruitment strategy: showcasing drag performers.

Matthew Lohmeier, who was commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron in Colorado before he made comments on a podcast critical of Marxism, told Fox News it is sad that whenever the U.S. military makes the news, it is for items like the drag-themed recruitment videos. . . . .


PRC Military Discovers How to Defeat US Military

In this official training video for the People’s Liberation Army, Chinese soldiers are taught how to cripple U.S. soldiers by just shouting the wrong pronouns at them.

This Babylon Bee video is only a month old but already has over 1 millions views on YouTube.

Gender/pronoun training in the military (STARRS)

On a serious note, in Matthew Lohmeier’s (USAFA 2006, USAF/Space Force LTC) best-selling book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military, he talks about when he was an Air Force Academy cadet, he was part of a small group of cadets selected to travel to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force Academy in Chang Chun, China. He spoke Mandarin and shared a room with two other Chinese cadets.

One of the things he asked them were their beliefs, assuming they would be Buddhist or Taoist.

We believe in Marxism, ” they said and assured Matt that all PLAAF servicemembers believed in Marxism.

Read Matt’s book to learn about how Marxist ideology has subtly crept into the US military to the great detriment of our nation.


About the book: 4.8 out of 5 stars, 2,513 reviews

Irresistible Revolution is a timely and bold contribution from an active-duty Space Force lieutenant colonel who sees the impact of a neo-Marxist agenda at the ground level within our armed forces. In it, author Matthew Lohmeier provides answers to many important questions that Americans are currently asking:

  • Is systemic racism a reality, or is much of our talk about race merely a rhetorical tool used to divide Americans?
  • Why has the Defense Department suddenly shifted to a focus on extremism within the ranks?
  • Is there really a white supremacy or white nationalist problem within our armed forces?
  • Are the many Diversity and Inclusion trainings that are being conducted in our federal agencies helping solve these problems, or are they creating conflict where none previously existed?
  • What is Marxism, and what does it have to do with all of this?

Though pundits often appear perplexed by current policy decisions being made in our country, our apparent missteps are part of a longstanding plot against America, patiently and methodically pursued by those with a mind intent on the overthrow of the US Government and its replacement with a communist dictatorship.

Unfortunately, many of those now furthering that agenda do so unwittingly.

After becoming aware of the Marxist conquest of American society, you will never again look at things in the same way.

Mainstream media, social media, the public education system (including universities), as well as federal agencies have all become vessels of various schools of thought that are rooted in Marxist ideology – an ideology bent on the destruction of America’s history, of Western tradition, specifically Judeo-Christian values, and of patriotism and conservatism.

Marxism’s sinister and dark agenda has led the country into what some have called a cold civil war.

The problem has become systemic, a tragedy considering that the defeat of Marxist-communist ideology was the very cause against which our nation spent great treasures of blood and iron during much of the twentieth century.

The book’s three-part framework:

–Begins with a discussion of the greatness of the American ideal (including the importance of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the notions of individual and civil liberties),

–Transitions to an examination of the history and overarching narrative of Marxist ideology (specifically Marx’s and Engels’ Communist Manifesto wherein the oppressor vs. oppressed narrative is developed), and

–Concludes by looking into the ongoing transformation of America’s military culture and military policy, while also providing a warning about where the country is headed if we choose to not make an immediate course correction.

Irresistible Revolution also covers a breadth of hot topics everyone is hearing and talking about – topics that actually have implications for our national security:

  • woke ideology,
  • cancel culture,
  • identity politics,
  • the Black Lives Matter movement,
  • anti-racism,
  • postmodernism,
  • political correctness, and
  • critical and cynical theories, to include critical race theory.

Lohmeier’s penetrating and common sense look at current events within our military and across American society is a sublimely unique contribution that is certain to be shared, referenced, and discussed for years to come.

Every American, including every US military servicemember, needs to read and understand the Irresistible Revolution.




Pentagon Diversity Degrades Meritocracy

By Forrest L. Marion, Ph.D.
Retired U.S. Air Force officer and military historian

Recently, “Real Time” host Bill Maher came out in favor of meritocracy.

Maher identified professional sports as the “last refuge of meritocracy in America.” He continued, “Sports is the last place where it doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, just what you do.”

Until the last few years, one might have expected the U.S. Department of Defense to have held stubbornly to Maher’s newsworthy “just what you do” matters observation.

Since 2021 the Pentagon’s unmistakable abandonment of meritocracy in lieu of “diversity” has contributed to an overall decline in combat readiness

– one documented by the Heritage Foundation, among others.

This dangerous trend is despite an end to U.S. contingency operations in Afghanistan and reduced operations in Southwest Asia, which under normal circumstances ought to have facilitated a degree of reconstitution of forces and resulting increased readiness.

In May 2021, the firing of Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier served as an early indicator of the Biden Pentagon’s commitment to radical, ideologically based priorities at odds with traditional merit-based readiness.

Lohmeier, a U.S. Space Force squadron commander, had just published a book that addressed his views on quasi-Marxist influences within the U.S. military.

During a podcast promoting his book, Lohmeier stated that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was promoting “diversity, inclusion, and equity [DIE or DEI],” which are “rooted in critical race theory [CRT], which is rooted in Marxism.”

Lohmeier was immediately relieved of command on the grounds of participating in “prohibited partisan political activity.”

Following Lohmeier’s firing, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) wrote a letter to Secretary Austin to express his concerns, beginning with the fact that Lohmeier had been relieved prior to any investigation. Wicker declared,

If the Department of Defense finds that Lt. Col. Lohmeier’s statements on CRT qualify as a “partisan cause,” it would then follow that the Department recognizes CRT itself as reflecting one side in a partisan debate. Yet if CRT is partisan, it must be asked why this ideology is increasingly being pushed on U.S. service members. It has become increasingly clear that the Department is actively pushing CRT through “diversity and inclusion” trainings, recommended reading materials, and cadet instruction. The Department therefore cannot call Lt. Col. Lohmeier’s statements on CRT “partisan” without being implicated in the same partisan advocacy.

When queried, Wicker’s staff found no record of a response from the Secretary.

In the last two years, the Pentagon has doubled down on pushing the “partisan cause” of CRT-DEI as Senator Wicker described.

Having served four decades with the U.S. Air Force in one capacity or another, I’ll briefly address my own service – although the entire defense establishment is troubled by the same issues.

In perhaps the most ideologically grounded illogic, the Air Force has said it has too many white, male pilots. (It also has a pilot shortage.) Since 2021 the service has announced new measures to increase the numbers of pilots from minority groups.

As Maher opined, “. . . most Americans [seem] to agree, if they’re on an airplane, they want a cockpit that looks like America, but they’d also like someone up there that knows how to fly the plane.” Maher’s half-humor, half-truth is insightful, especially in an Air Force context.

Although other strategies may offer perceived short-term gains, only meritocracy promises long-term success.

As countless institutions in American life and culture have demonstrated – including the armed forces – when a commitment to merit-based advancement is clear there will always be at least a few individuals from across the spectrum (however defined) who are willing to make the personal sacrifices needed to succeed in their chosen path.

What happens in such institutions? In time, they come to “[look] like America.” Is it an overnight change? No, it takes time, like anything else worth doing.

This is the beauty of the traditional American way, today under assault from nearly every quarter.

For plenty of examples in an Air Force context, simply google “Air Force biographies” and peruse the careers of those from various backgrounds who attained general officer rank. That alone should suffice to call into question the spurious assumptions of those demanding diversity.

Six months ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas pointed out that diversity “seems to mean everything for everyone.”

As renowned scholar Thomas Sowell wrote in Dismantling America,

“The mystical benefits of diversity are non-existent, however politically correct it is to proclaim such benefits.”

Not only does the prioritizing of diversity degrade meritocracy, it also necessarily leads to serious questions regarding those who are advanced under its perceived, or actual, lowered standards.

As one noted military historian and former board member of a state university puts it,

In the long run, DEI is a trap for minorities. It denies them the rigorous education they need to truly master any field, and it cheapens any accomplishment by those minority members who DO work hard as there is always the suspicion by those who first meet them that they only got ahead because of a DEI ‘thumb on the scale.’ . . . Worse, it builds in a lingering mistrust in any organization. . . . That is disastrous for the nation in the long run.           

The better course is this:  rather than prioritizing diversity at all costs – and achieving mere mediocrity – stay the course with meritocracy and, in time, realize the beautiful, broadened spectrum of humanity that makes up our armed forces, including the United States Air Force.

Forrest L. Marion, Ph.D., is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and military historian. He is the author of Flight Risk: The Coalition’s Air Advisory Mission in Afghanistan, 2005-2015 (Naval Institute Press, 2018), and (forthcoming), Standing Up Space Force: The Road to the Nation’s Sixth Armed Service (Naval Institute Press).

First published in Real Clear Defense


Glenn Beck Interview with Matt Lohmeier

On this episode of “The Glenn Beck Podcast,” Glenn talks to Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the first Space Force veteran.

As the commander of a space-based missile warning unit, he was disturbed by the military’s increasingly woke and Marxist agenda, and he decided to speak out and write a book, “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.” (Note: #1 Best Seller in Military Policy category)

But instead of listening, the military fired him. Now, with Putin’s finger near the red button and China sneering at Taiwan, Matt joins Glenn to sound the alarm: Did the U.S. bomb the Nord Stream pipeline? Did our woke military give Putin his greatest weapon?


Can The US Military Be Saved?

Watch The Liberty Monks Roundtable featuring LTC Matt Lohmeier, Major General Joe Arbuckle (USA ret) and retired Lt. General Rod Bishop (USAF ret).

The Liberty Monks welcome the founders of STARRS which educates our fellow Americans on the dangers of racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military in order to eliminate these divisive influences and maintain a unified and cohesive fighting force.

Lt Gen Rod Bishop, USAF (Ret.) is the founder of STARRS and served on active duty for 34 years as an aircraft commander, instructor pilot, and flight examiner. He commanded airmen at every operational level, including two squadrons, an operations group, an airlift wing, and a numbered air force. General Bishop’s last assignment was as Commander, 3rd Air Force, United States Air Forces in Europe at Ramstein Airbase in Germany, where he oversaw all American air and space activities in 93 countries in Europe and Africa.

MG Joe Arbuckle, USA (Ret.) first enlisted in the Army in 1968, and was later commissioned in the Ordnance Corps upon graduating from Officer Candidate School in 1970. Having volunteered for duty as an Infantry Officer, he served a year in Vietnam as an Advisory Team Detachment Commander and as an Assistant District Senior Advisor. He has commanded troops at multiple levels, including as Commanding General of the Joint Ground Task Force, which included an Army and Marine Brigade, as well as Commanding General of Industrial Operations Command (IOC), which was later redesignated the US Army Operations Support Command. General Arbuckle retired after 30 years of dedicated service.

Matthew Lohmeier (Former Lt. Col) is author of the bestselling book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. His book was published in May 2021, at which time Matt was a respected active-duty commander in the newly formed US Space Force. For publishing and speaking about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation launched from the Pentagon. He subsequently joined the nation’s biggest media personalities to discuss the proliferation of Marxist-rooted critical race theory (CRT) in the military and its divisive impact on the force and mission. Matt separated from active duty on September 1, 2021, and is now a highly sought public speaker and private consultant on matters of Marxist ideology and tactics, CRT, the betterment of military culture, and the preservation of our liberties.

Open Letters

  • An Open Letter to my Fellow Army General Officers
  • “A Republic If You Can Keep It” Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals


Saving Military Academies From Wokeness

Legal Insurrection Foundation  held an online event: “Saving the Military Service Academies from Wokeness” featuring Matt Lohmeier, author of the bestselling book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.

The book was published in May 2021, at which time he was a respected active-duty commander in the newly formed U.S. Space Force. For publishing and speaking publicly about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation within the Pentagon.

Lohmeier later joined veteran-led nonprofit group STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services) and actively works to educate Americans about the dangers of racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military.

Kemberlee Kaye of Legal Insurrection was the host of the event. Founder William Jacobson spoke about Legal Insurrection Foundation’s recently released Military Service Academies database at cataloguing Critical Race training in military service academies.

Their research confirms that all five federal service academies have some form of critical race, anti-racism, or related objectives.


The Woke Danger Within the US Military

Matt was interview by Monica Crowley:

Monica has an exclusive story that you’re not going to hear anywhere else – new reporting on destructive wokeness destroying military institutions including the Navy and Space Force. She has an important conversation with former Lt. Col. Matt Lohmeier, who was fired for exposing the government’s crippling wokeness campaign,

Listen to an exclusive interview regarding the destructive Wokeism destroying military institutions including the Navy and Space Force. Starts at the 21 minute mark.


Marxism In U.S. Military Exposed: The Intentional Plan To Dismantle America’s Armed Forces

Matt was interviewed on The Stew Peters Show.

Stew contends that the COVID vaccine mandate has more to do with purging the military of those willing to refuse the vaccine in order to create a new military that is more politically compliant if it ever had to be used against Americans.

For his part, former Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier stated that the overall situation is dire and he describes how he wrote his book Irresistible Revolution to warn the country and its leadership of the dangers of the Marxist infiltration.

Though his book was apolitical – indeed, its focus was to highlight the dangers of advocating political activism in the military – he was fired from his position as a squadron commander in the Space Force. Ironically, Lohmeier was compelled to leave the service for engaging in politics, specifically the need for the military to be apolitical.

It used to be that one thing all Americans could agree on was that Marxism is anti-American. Communism was the enemy and, if allowed to infiltrate, would destroy our country and way of life. Marxism was what we fought the Cold War over!

Matt implores all Americans not to give up, but rather get involved and stand up for America and help turn things around.

Watch the Video


STARRS interview with Matt Lohmeier

Matt was interviewed by Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret on the STARRS podcast, “The Intellectuals”.

Air Force Academy graduate and former US Space Force Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his squadron command for writing and promoting Irresistible Revolution, Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & The Unmaking of the American Military.

Matt discusses how he identified the threat and discussed his concerns with his peers and superiors before and during the process of writing the book; most of whom shared his concerns.

He warned of how political the service was getting and trends of illegal discrimination and unethical behavior. For this, he was fired for being politically partisan.

He has no regrets about his actions that led to him separating from the military because he was doing the right thing to defend our country and constitution; and he still is.


Keith Fletcher review of Irresistible Revolution

Book review by Keith Fletcher, USAFA ’87

“Irresistible Revolution,” absolutely belongs in your home or office library as it presents the real, emerging danger of Marxist subversion, masquerading as “diversity” and “inclusion,” happening today in our American armed forces.

Matthew Lohmeier brilliantly presents his methodically conducted research linking the radical leftist social movements recently seen in the United States into what our military has deceitfully repackaged into an innocent-sounding mandatory social program presented to the troops.

My service predates Matthew’s by 19 years, so the information in his book was a tremendous enlightenment for me. I shouldn’t be surprised, in retrospect, because we’re bombarded today with the tired toxic narrative that if you’re white, then you’re an evil racist, even if you don’t know it.

My recommendation is simply this: If you voted for Donald Trump, felt silenced on social media after January 6th, and have desperately grasped for any kind of legitimate discourse of truth since Election Day, this book is for you–it’s a must-read.

If you didn’t vote for Donald Trump, and don’t really see any truth in allegations that ballots were fraudulently cast to affect the election outcome, then this book is still for you–it’s a must read.

“Irresistible Revolution,” appeals not to specific politics or even politicians– it rises above that–rather, it presents a core theme of truth why protecting and defending the constitution of our wise founding fathers is paramountly important.

Moreover, it connects the dots on an evolving betrayal happening right now in our military ranks, that allegiance to self-identity is taking priority over loyalty to or defense of our United States Constitution, our American exceptionalism and values. This internal decay alone is perhaps the greatest threat to our Republic we all grew up learning about and defended with our service.

I challenge every service academy’s political science department to include Lohmeier’s book in its curriculum.

It’s an easy read; 196 pages fill the readers mind with information other authors would spend volumes of texts, culminating in a thoughtful afterword posed by the author.

Lohmeier doesn’t stop there–he presents us a suggested reading list on varied topics of history, political philosophy, diversity, postmodernism that even includes Marx’s/Engel’s “Communist Manifesto.”

The author promotes the idea that to fully understand your beliefs, you must also acquaint yourself with those ideas you oppose.

Buy this book today!

You buy firearms to defend your family, home, and property from violent assault; this book is the intellectual equivalent to defending your mind, intellect and sanity from this newfound ideological assault on our American values.’


Space Force Officer, Punished After Denouncing Marxism, to Leave Military

The Space Force officer who was removed from his command post for condemning Marxism and critical race theory is leaving the military.

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” that his last day in the service will be Sept. 1.

“I wrote a letter to then-Acting Secretary of the Air Force explaining certain circumstances, which I don’t plan to make public, but also requesting an early retirement, and a separation honorably from the service,” he said. “And they’ve denied me an early retirement, but agreed that they would separate me. And so my family and I have decided that that’s the best course of action for us right now, given the circumstances.”

“I believe I’m able to continue serving my country outside of the service and out of uniform, perhaps in a better way than I was able to, given the circumstances, in uniform at the moment.” . . . .

Lohmeier told The Epoch Times that neither his book nor the remarks were politically partisan. “It’s not politically partisan to expose Marxist ideology where it exists and to talk about critical race theory; that should be something we’re unitedly standing against,” he said.

He also said he attempted before writing the book to utilize internal mechanisms that let service members lodge complaints, but to no avail. . . . .

Read the Whole Article

Watch Video:

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier: How Critical Race Theory Is Undermining the Military

“I spoke up and said we need to remove the politics from our military environment. And I was relieved of my command,” says Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier.

How has critical race theory made its way into the U.S. military, and what is at stake? We sit down with Space Force Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier, author of “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military.” Soon after he spoke about the book publicly, he was relieved of his command, and his status in the military remained uncertain—until recently.

Video Transcript: How CRT is Undermining the Military transcript


The Whistleblower Files: The Marxist Conquest of Our Military

Matthew Lohmeier is the former Space Force Commander who was fired after speaking out against the growing influence of Marxist ideology in military training.

On Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s “We Hold These Truths” podcast, they talked about what he witnessed while in command, how CRT and the modern left’s tactics are taken from the playbook of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, and what service members can do to stop it.

Matthew Lohmeier is the author of “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.” Follow him on Twitter at @matthewlohmeier.


Has The Military Gone WOKE? – Space Force Commander Opens Up

Matthew Lohmeier was interviewed by Valuetainment show host Patrick Bet-David where they talk about ideologies that are infecting the military, how politics is effecting the way the military runs and how wokeism is having an impact.

Some comments from the video on YouTube:

This man is intelligent, emotionally balanced and I would speculate spiritually mature. If this type of person is being purged from military leadership warning bells should be going off.

Thank you for standing up against the tyranny. I’m an army veteran and I’m very concerned about the future.

As an army special ops ca & PsyOp soldier I am So grateful to see other buddy from Air Force to risk his career to wake American people up and be the frontline of fighting Marxists . Thank you both of you.

What a PROFESSIONAL!!! I’m a Marine, and I’d follow this Man. “DO RIGHT, AND FEAR NO MAN” is my motto.

This episode is, by far, your best yet! As a Marine I can say that Lt. Col Lohmeier makes me proud. I couldn’t agree with you more when you said that he can explain very key concepts in a way that is clear, concise, and to the point. Thank you for your courage Lt. Col Lohmeier.

This was a powerful, compelling interview. Riveting, honest, truthful discourse. I wish every impressionable, visionary youth could benefit from hearing this brave patriot’s story. Lt. Col. Lohmeier is a clear eyed, brilliant communicator!!

That was an exceptional and very interesting interview so knowledgeable and I am thinking how much people can learn from somebody like him. It was awesome and he is so well rounded in his perceptions in his own thinking and processes of assessment of issues. And so astute in the way he encapsulated details and gathered all those strands of the issue. I’m amazed at this guy really am and it takes a lot to impress me.

This was the best interview I’ve seen in a long time.

Before retiring from the Air Force, Lt Col M. Lohmeier was the kind of Commander we all prayed for! The man is absolutely brilliant. Thank you, Sir.

This is by far one of your best interviews. Our military has made a huge mistake going woke and infecting an otherwise pristine institution with political movements.

We need many more Matthew Lohmeier’s. Brilliant man with passion and the courage to uphold, defend and protect our Constitution. Blessings to him and those with the courage, no matter the cost, to keep our freedoms, liberties and justice for all.

This man is incredible. Long as we still have men like this there is hope.

Very impressive that he chose to speak the truth & stand by his convictions over his military career. A great example to men young and old. We need more leaders like him.

One of the most well spoken individuals I’ve ever heard give an interview. Hands down.

Mathew Lohmeier explains extremely well the process by which the seeds of subversive ideas are planted in the soil of a society and encouraged to germinate and then grow into open revolt against traditional customs and beliefs. I found him to be highly intelligent and very good at explaining his reasoning. Thank you both for this interview.

This interview should be broadcasted so the ones who are still asleep, will wake the fork up!! God Bless you Patrick for having such guest and God Bless this Patriot for coming up and talking about it! I have been color blind for almost 27 years since I came to this country, but now I am forced to see them??!! I refuse to do so because all I see is people or Americans and no colors or shades of any kind!! For someone who was born and raised in USSR, this sounds really frightening! The greatest country on planet Earth is being destroyed from within and we are the ones who can stop it!

The military is definitely not the same. I have two years to get to 20 and that’s all I am going to do. Before I wanted to stay longer but it is just so different now that I’m doing 20 and retire.

Thank you for bringing this topic to your show. I was born in Cuba, and came to the states when I was 8 years old. Personally I had the unfortunate experience to live under communism. This form of government has failed in every state where it’s been implement ed. The communist are great at class warfare, they divide families, they divide friends and once in power they destroy nations

I’m in the Air Force and I concur. Too much politics in the service. Wrong focus on many levels.

I doubt that We have seen a better interview than that one. Thank you Col. And thank you Patrick! The Col. Is right on the money! We have not heard a better analysis of the the crisis that is upon this nation and it’s people and it’s military! This needs to be more widely disseminated to help our citizenry understand that there is a cabal of Socialist/Communists/citizens seeking to overthrow our government but more importantly our Constitution! It is real and it is NOW!

Listening to this Interview really captured my attention. It was very inspiring and breath taking with lots of food for thoughts.

This officer is brave to speak the truth in this day and age.

This guy is a leader and well balanced. He is an indivual that makes America proud to be and fight for American values. He is a real man with courage and dignity.
God bless this young man and hopefully other strong men and women will follow his lead.

I was fortunate enough to be selected by my Air Force to go to the United States and graduate as a fighter pilot as one of your own. You, Americans, made me the aviator I became, good and ready to stand by you in peace or war. I cherish that deeply in my heart. As a foreign student, I was treated as one of you, and I was ready to join you when I was selected again to come back to your country as an Instructor Pilot to train your pilots (NATO business). You trusted me by flying your jets and gave me all your support. I was glad to be given the opportunity to pay back the investment you made in me years before, as a student pilot – my US instructors, the money, the time, and the trust. All my former students became USAF fighter pilots and some went on to engage in combat in Iraque. I am proud of them.
The USAF I knew, back in the day, had women, African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, gays, lesbians, and whatever, and nobody noticed a difference. Nobody cared. We were under the rule: -” don’t ask don’t tell”. As long as you are a wonderful human being, and competent at what you do, nobody gives a shit about anything else. It was wonderful to engage with everybody in this environment regardless of. I had a blast. There was no color, no gender disputes. We were ONE. Now, what do I see? Woke crap. I will not be your wingman anymore. You destroyed the very essence of a combat-ready institution. I do not trust you. You betrayed the sacred line of not leaving your fellow behind like you did in Afghanistan. For you, it is more important “inclusion and girls raised by two moms” than hardcore fighters ready to go to war and win it. I will fight my wars on my own without you. Thank you but no thank you. It hurts to make such a stand but you are not trusted anymore. You would abandon me on the battlefield for sure. Count me out. Send your diverse and equitable gender-neutral to die. I don’t give a damn. Pansies!
Allow me to salute you Matthew.