
Lohmeier: DEI is Crushing Military Morale and Readiness

Matthew Lohmeier was recently interviewed on the Brian Thomas Morning radio show about his book and the problem of the radical DEI agenda in the military.


Episode Transcript
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Hi, It’s Brian Thomas, 55 Carsey Morning Show. Happy to welcome to the 55 Carsey Morning Show Matthew Lohmeier. He is a 2006 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. He started his active duty military career as a pilot, flew over twelve hundred hours and a T-38 as an instructor pilot after followed by the F-15C.

After flying, he cross trained into space operations: first in a space based missile warning October twenty twenty, he transferred to the United States Space Force. He’s got two Masters agree and a Military Operations Art and Science, Masters of Philosophy and Military Strategy, and up until recently it was a Lieutenant colonel at command of the Space Based Missile Warning Squadron in Colorado.

Welcome to the fifty five Ksey Morning Show. Now retired, Matthew Lohmeier, author of,  came out in 2021, but still so very important Irresistible Revolution: Marxism Goal of Conquest, and the Unmaking of the American Military.

Matthew, it is a pleasure to have you on the program. And what a scary title that is.

It is a scary title, very deliberately written, and I’m happy to join you.

Well, we’ve got a lot of military families in the listening audience. I do everything I can in my power on the radio to help out veterans and veterans causes, and so you’re going to sell a lot of these books, and rightfully so. DEI in the military.

I’ve been reading about it for years. I’ve had my I’ve got military folks currently serving and have recently served or retired talking about what a problem is all the resources thrown at DEI issues, and mostly the E is the problem.

They’re promoting people from outside the normal channels of the ranks, and people who are qualified getting pushed back to the side, and having folks promoted above those that are qualified merely because they fill the blank in on certain DEI related issues. I mean, that’s just not right.

That’s got to be terrible from morale. And what’s that got to do, if I may be so bold, Matthew Lohmeier, what has that got to do with killing people and breaking things, which is the primary goal of the military.

Well, you’re absolutely right that the E in DEI is a tremendous problem. But the diversity part is also a problem because what they pretend to aspire to is some kind of authentic diversity. What they really mean by that is race based quotas, and it destroys the merit based system that we need in a lethal and ready fighting force.

In the United States military, we’ve always had and prized a merit based selection and promotion process, and instead the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda effectively destroys that merit.

And so you’re absolutely right. It is debilitating of the morale, the good order and discipline of our troops, and it’s undermining our readiness and lethalities. Of course, well is looking at your subtitle Marxism goal of conquest in the unmaking American military.

That’s the goal, isn’t it to ruin morale and reduce the numbers of people willing to volunteer for an all volunteer military.

Yeah, your listeners are going to be well aware of the fact that for decades now the universities have been plagued with Marxist ideology, Marxist thought. The overarching aim of my book that I had written really at the time immediately following the transition from President Trump to the current administration.

The aim of the book is to clearly show that all of the diversity and inclusion trainings, the vocabulary, and the agenda first and foremost is rooted in Marxist revolutionary thought, and that it’s finally made its way out of the universities and elsewhere into the uniform services.

That it’s dividing our troops, it’s hitting people against one another and therefore crushing morale and readiness, and it’s also having a terrible impact on a recruiting and retention efforts, which is why we’re having abysmal recruiting rates and not meeting our goals.

And ultimately it’s a warning to the American people and to our service members and to senior defense officials that unless we abandon this divisive path that is part of the deliberately a part of the diversity and inclusion agenda, it will unfortunately lead to violence because of the visceral emotional response that people have for one another when they genuinely start to believe in these ideas that they’re not those ideas which include that the like, for example, the police are inherently racist.

That’s a BLM philosophy, and of course the BLM folks were admittedly Marxist. That’s one of the tenets of the legs of Marxist philosophy is to undermine our belief in and our respect for the military and the police.

Those are institutions which are directly connected with the evil need to be overthrown capitalist system. They are a the muscle for the capitalists, and what we need to do is undermine there. Therefore, the capitalist system will fall as the military and the police system falls. I mean, that’s a goal they have.

It is a goal. In fact, I recently went to Minneapolis as a part of a film that I’m shooting that’s going to come out this fall, just prior to the election. I can’t yet say the name, but everyone should end up hearing about it.

And what I saw in Minneapolis that was the result of one terrible leadership for a number of years. But this kind of activism that is fraught with the diversity and inclusion agenda and initiatives and language vocabulary, is that it completely wrecks a city.

And I’ve seen what happened right there on George Floyd Square where there’s a memorial there, and in the city surrounding that area. And I’m telling you that the same thing is happening to the military, and a smaller scale to be sure, But it’s not just a criticism of the police force. And it is exactly that, just like you’ve mentioned.

I heard at my base, and other troops are hearing at their bases a criticism of America’s founders as white supremacists and racists, and a criticism of America’s founding values and principles that actually made us the priest and greatest country in history.

That is so heart wrenching to hear. Let me ask you this. I mean, we’re, as you pointed out, we’re all painfully aware that college education is now replete and filled with DEI and woke Marxist philosophy.

It’s been that way for a long time. We know it’s seeped its way in K through twelve education with the same kind of principles being taught to our young people, and that worked itself into the Department of Education. That is a concerted effort. You can do that when you have this unified, uh just basically one size fits all education system.

Here’s the curriculum. Teach every kid that how in God’s name, did this curriculum, this philosophy make it into America’s military right?

Well, at first it began with activism after the death of George Floyd. We had service members high and low that were activists, just like you saw in the news where cities are burning and police cars are being smashed and windows being smashed.

That same activism and a small scale began to spread its way through the military because the seeds had been planted and they’re in trainings over the number of course of a number of years.

But President Trump in September of twenty twenty attempted to end forever: the diversity and inclusion trainings that we were seeing in the United States military by executive order, and he did just that, and there was a several month reprieve from this kind of training.

But Joe Biden in this administration, on January twentieth of twenty twenty one, reverse President Trump’s executive order by executive fiat and brought back these diversity and inclusion trainings and agenda with a bang.

And of course, he selected a Secretary of Defense in Lloyd Austin that is very much in support of this agenda. He has a very different world view the most Americans, and he believes in the oppressor versus oppressed narrative of human events that was taught by Marx and Engels one hundred and fifty plus years ago in the Communist Manifesto.

And these guys, through policy, expect these trainings and trainings to fill the military workplace. We’ve even had superintendents that are military service academy, such as the Air Force Academy, my own alma mater, say that they’re going to fill the university there, the Military Service Academy with diversity, equity and inclusion, in every nook and cranny of that service academy.

We need to eliminate poor leadership in the next administration. We need to make sure that we completely abolish all of these DEI policies, and we need to get our military back on track, which is my foremost concern, although it’s infecting every other federal agency as well as we’ve recently seen and are seeing in the headlines today as of yesterday and the day before well, and obviously that is a problem that’s not going to go anyway soon given the size, scope and inability to fire anybody in the administrative state.

But and you made a great point in bringing up Donald Trump in his efforts to get rid of this, which you’ve said, we’re successful at least for a short period of time.

As commander in chief, he essentially is the Department of Education when it comes to the curriculum in the military.

Right, can he eliminate this if Donald Trump is elected president again and turn the ship around. Yeah, that’s an important, or I should say critical part of fixing the problem. It’s getting the right commander in chief in and ensuring that we’ve got both corrective policy in place, and also selecting the right leaders the right oversight committees to make sure that and I’m not talking about Congress, I’m talking about they’re actually both congressionally mandated as well as executive a point of positions that provide oversight of our military service academies to ensure these kinds of things go away and go away fast.

But of course, cultural change doesn’t necessarily happen rapidly. It’s going to take time and concerted effort and courage from those that still wear the uniform of their country to speak up respectfully and say, hey, we disagree with what’s being taught. It’s against our values, it’s discriminating and makes it uncomfortable. It’s not inclusive. There’s no real diversity here. My viewpoint is denigrated.

I don’t see the authenticity and this approach, and I think if more and more people speak up about that, we’re far more likely to see the cultural change that we need. But it starts, indeed, with the right commander in chief setting the right policy. And unfortunately, because we’re so divided, that is what it comes down to at the moment.

But it would have been unthinkable two decades ago and three decades ago for any commander in chief to make policies that are deliberately apparently dividing our troops in uniform underscore what you just said, deliberately that’s the most frightening component of everything that we have talked about and everything that you talk about in your book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military by retired Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier.

I really wish your book was sort of like a warning about what could have happened or could happen, as opposed to the reality of what is currently happening. But you sound like you at least have some measure of optimism.

With a different commander in chief and different policies, we can turn this ship around and head back in the right direction. God bless you, sir for the time you spell my listeners and meet this morning. The book itself, Irresistible Revolution, which my listeners can get at my blog page fifty five KRC dot com. I will strongly encourage them to do that and share it with every single one of their friends.

Thank you very much, been my pleasure.

Thanks again for your time and your service to our country and your continued service.


Former Space Force commander Matthew Lohmeier sounds alarm on the ‘very dangerous’ impact of DEI policy

Former Lt. Col. Space Force commander Matthew Lohmeier joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss how DEI in the military is potentially impacting military readiness.


Fox Host:
In the military has our next guest, a former Space Force commander, lieutenant colonel, up in arms after he says he was fired and lost his pension for speaking out after serving in the military for over a decade. Matt Lohmeier ripped DEI training for dividing troops, decreasing morale, and ultimately affecting military readiness, which prompted action against him. Executive Vice president of STARRS Matt Lohmeier joins us now.

Good morning. Lieutenant Colonel, thank you for joining us. We were just talking in the commercial break there–you weren’t just fired from your position. You were also pushed out of the Space Force altogether. You lost your career over this?

Matt Lohmeier:
Yeah. You know, unfortunately for the American people and for all of the men and women in uniform, it’s been considered for a number of years now to be politically partisan to speak up against diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. And of course, anyone who’s looked into this matter knows it shouldn’t necessarily be considered a partisan issue. I wasn’t interested in being politically partisan while I wore the uniform of the country and was in command of a Space Force unit. But of course, senior military leaders, especially under the current administration, decided that because of the climate of fear that we had created for ourselves, they ought to treat my criticism of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives as partisan and, quote unquote, hold me accountable for speaking out against it.

Fox Host:
Now, one thing on my fact sheet here that I found really interesting a study, I believe it was by Arizona State University. And basically they found that part of the policy is that you’re mandated or required or encouraged to tell on others if they have a negative opinion of DEI. Did you experience that?

Matt Lohmeier:
In fact, come to think of it, I did experience that. A fellow commander informed me, that they’re aware of my kind of politics and that they’d be happy to turn me into the base commander if I continued to privately criticize our diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. But this problem has grown far beyond what I experienced personally and professionally in the military workplace.

That report that you’ve just mentioned from Arizona State University’s Center for American Institutions, specifically mentioned some of the things that are happening currently at our military service academies. My own alma mater, the U.S. Air Force Academy, has diversity and inclusion cadet officers who wear a special insignia within their cadet squadrons that were purple braided ropes over the shoulders. And they report to us a separate chain of command other than their military chain of command relating to diversity and inclusion issues. It reminds one of Soviet political commissars that have been established in both in the Soviet Union and other Marxist revolutionary efforts throughout the last century. So this is a very dangerous, very divisive ideology and we treat it any more like it’s a protected religious worldview, but not just protected, but one that others ought to step in line with and support in their words and actions otherwise face consequences.

Fox Host:
Lieutenant Colonel, you show courage by joining the military. You showed even more courage by sticking to your oath and standing up for things you believe are American and honest and true and detrimental to our readiness. I can’t thank you enough for your service. Real quick, want to read this: the U.S. Space Force has not returned our request for comment. So we have your perspective today, and we appreciate it. Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier, thank you for joining us.

Matt Lohmeier:
Thanks for having me.


Lt Col Lohmeier: Speak the Truth, Exhibit Courage

Matthew Lohmeier, former USAF/USSF Lt. Colonel and 2006 USAFA grad, has powerful words about the actions of US leaders have made a statement to the world that we’re not a serious nation, what real freedom-loving leaders would do, and the need for current military service members to speak the truth, stand on principles and values and exhibit courage. Censorship and self-censorship are harbingers of societal failure.

He was interviewed on Fox News by Pete Hegseth. Watch:


Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier: Does US Have a Fighting Force?

Matthew Lohmeier was on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Judging Freedom show:

Some comments on video:

“I am a retired Marine; This man knows what he is talking about and is illuminating exactly what is wrong with the American military.”

“I have 3 nephews, all were / are Active Duty. 2 Navy,1 Army. My eldest nephew was a Navy Aviator. Flew the Growler, F-35s & was an Instructor. He flew some of the stunts in Tom Cruz’s last movie. He & my Army nephew have both quit the Military even though they planned on making it their Careers. Both said,” Can’t take the Woke Cr*p anymore.”

“Well, my son is in right now and he has eleven months left and he will be done! i did 21 in the military. i talk to him and some of the things he says he has had briefings on just leaves me with a WTF look on my face! i told him you do your time and get outta there before something happens and you get sucked into it! they do no real training! he has a rifle that they gave him and he has never got to go zero yet and its been nine months! its all about the higher ups at the expense of the lower enlisted! it is darn sickening to see the e-4 and below get thrown under the bus to make the higher ups look good for promotion! they dont get much ammo when they do train, he is a mortar man and his last time at the range they got maybe 20 rounds to train with but, you can bet ukraine got mortar rounds to fire! it sickens me! “when you elect clowns and they promote jesters, dont be surprised when your govt and your military turns into a circus!” our defeat on the battlefield is going to be catastropic and that defeat is fast approaching!”

“I hope his discharge can be reversed in the next administration. As to the issue of race in the military, his testimony is truly depressing. I was a young Naval officer 50 years ago as our country came out from the Vietnam War and a decade of race riots in the 60s. The Navy took on the issue of racial discrimination/tension head on. I was enlisted to teach a basic course in “Navy rights and responsibilities” probably written by one of the big consulting firms. The training was somewhat amusing but had two takeaways: 1) all members of the military will be treated with respect, regardless of race, or else, and 2) we are here for mission accomplishment, no other reason. Remarkably, this worked for the next 20 years until I retired in 1993. This progress has been destroyed by Austin and Co. I observe this with great sadness and some trepidation about the future.”

“It only takes a couple of minutes into that interview to realise this young guy must of excelled in all aspects of his career. Very analytical and insightful thinking you could he was still in first gear brushing the surface of his knowledge and experience. Definitely need to invite him back.”

“This is an exceptional young man. What is confounding is that the US Military would see fit to turn him out, thereby diluting the effectiveness of their force capability. I say this because it is doubtful the majority of todays military has Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier’s intelligence, integrity, loyalty, commitment of purpose, and I don’t doubt, ability to be lethal when necessary. This fine fellow is a welcome addition to the analysis team. I know his input will be valuable.”

“Listening to this Lt Col. made my blood boil and I’m a Brit! The US needs this kind of individual in charge of its military, not getting fired. Woke extremism could potentially be the death of us all. V sadly, it’s happening here too.”

How DEI Is Weakening The Military with Matthew Lohmeier (TFTC Podcast)

Marty sits down with Lt. Col Matthew Lohmeier to discuss how politics and DEl are dividing and weakening the US military, and how the silent majority can speak up and resist.

0:00 – Intro
6:45 – Politics dividing the military
15:57 – Military of the best
22:28 – DEI harms those it “protects”
27:00 – US weakening is rapid and likely intentional
40:15 – What’s making us stronger?
47:12 – First steps to mending
54:18 – Call to the silent majority
50:03 – Money and incentives
1:02:15 – Define your values


Pentagon’s ‘Woke’ Agenda Dividing, Weakening the Military: Former Space Force Officer

Matt was interviewed by J.M. Phelps of The Epoch Times:

Military service members have been increasingly exposed to a “hyper-politicized and sexualized work environment,” according to a former lieutenant colonel, who says the resulting divisiveness is weakening the U.S. Armed Forces.

The Pentagon’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies have drawn increased and intense scrutiny in recent years, especially from conservatives, who dubb these moves as part of the “woke” agenda.

Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, deputy chief of space operations, said that “anti-LGBTQ+ laws” introduced by state legislatures are affecting hiring decisions. At a recent Pentagon pride event, she said, “Transformational cultural change requires leadership from the top, and we do not have time to wait. Since January of this year, more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced at the state level.”

“That number is rising and demonstrates a trend that could be dangerous for service members, their families, and the readiness of the force as a whole,” she added.

The Epoch Times spoke to former Space Force officer, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, who in 2021 was removed from his command for expressing opposition to Marxist-rooted critical race theory (CRT). According to him, there is no place for this kind of advocacy from Burt in the U.S. military.

“Americans should know that when someone signs up to wear the uniform of their country, they’re trained early on to leave political baggage at the door and to be rather apolitical while acting in an official capacity.”

Service members often avoid discussing political topics, because as Lohmeier pointed out, “there is something that supersedes those topics for men and women in uniform—and that’s a particular mission in support of national security.”

“One can make arguments that the military became more political during the Clinton, or during the Obama administration,” he said. “But something radically, fundamentally shifted under the current administration with Lloyd Austin in the seat as secretary of defense.”

Cultural Dialogue

Lohmeier said, “At the forefront of the cultural dialogue in the military is what has been driven by policy.” Under then-President Donald Trump, in September 2020, federal agencies were banned from conducting diversity and inclusion training in an effort to combat race and sex stereotyping. Such training was referred to in the executive order as “divisive, anti-American propaganda” funded by taxpayers.

When President Joe Biden came into office in January 2021, he rescinded Trump’s order and issued several executive orders promoting DEI in the federal government.

“While the military has always been, by and large, a reflection of broader American society,” Lohmeier said, “there is something very different going on right now in this current administration.”

“Left-wing activists have essentially been given a bully pulpit,” and according to Lohmeier, “it is politically agitating.” Whether it’s the push for CRT, DEI, the LGBT agenda, or trans activism, he said it is “divisive in nature because not everyone aligns with or agrees with those agendas, and instead view them as a distraction from what our military’s priorities ought to be.”

But equally concerning to him is that “these agendas strike at the values of the military and its role in defending the Constitution.” As most service members attempt to remain apolitical, Lohmeier said, “they are finding themselves in a hyper-politicized and sexualized work environment at the moment.”

And if they oppose the environment, “they are labeled as politically partisan and simply ‘part of the problem’ and are ostracized for it.”

Drag Controversy

An active-duty Air Force officer reached out to Lohmeier in May, sharing an advertisement for an upcoming “family-friendly” drag show event to kick off Pride Month. The event was scheduled for June 1 at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. “The drag show was to be hosted on base at the officer’s club and was sponsored by and funded by the base—which means your taxpayer dollars,” he said.

Lohmeier’s source said his family was concerned about the event and they were not alone. “There were other families on base concerned about the event. Even though attendance at the event wasn’t compulsory, flyers were being posted around base and parents were distressed about their children being subjected to the content of those flyers,”Lohmeier said.

Thus, an effort to stop the event began. “I sent information about the event with the promotional flyer to members of Congress, [and] I tweeted about it,” he said. “A few members of Congress, in particular, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) took swift action.”

Gaetz sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, “demanding answers as to why these things are still taking place on DOD installations, because [on March 29], the Secretary of Defense in a hearing before Congress said that the Defense Department is not using taxpayer dollars to fund drag shows.” But to the contrary, Gaetz provided evidence of DOD-affiliated drag queen events.

For Lohmeier, the secretary was “either ignorant or being disingenuous,” but he is thankful a policy memorandum was issued in early June to end drag shows at Department of Defense installations around the world.

On June 21, House Armed Services Committee Republicans adopted provisions in the annual defense spending bill to eliminate the chief diversity officer at the Pentagon, end funding for DEI programs, as well as other measures targeting “woke” policies.

Lessons Learned

Lohmeier said there are lessons to be learned through this example of opposition to drag queen events at Pentagon facilities.

“While there are thousands concerned about drag queen shows and story hours, it only took one person to send a request for help and it made all the difference,” he said. “Men and women in uniform need to learn that it’s not off limits to speak up and voice your concern, because you could make changes in policy when you do so.”

There are still thousands of service members who love their country, Lohmeier said. “They take pride in the country and the greatness of the American ideal, and they are willing to fight for and defend that ideal,” he said.

“The best men and women in uniform defend the Constitution for every American, but they need not bow to the political agenda of a select few.”

And as various left-wing movements grow, he said, “We need decent people with traditional American values serving in the police force, in the schools, and in the military to shield us from illegal, unethical, or immoral policies that often stem from political and sexual activism run amok.”

“The LBTGQ+ agenda is every bit as divisive for our military as the Marxist-rooted CRT,” Lohmeier said. “It’s every bit as divisive as the diversity and inclusion training that need to be eliminated.”

“If we are going to be strong, if we are going to be ready, if we are going to be lethal,” Lohmeier said, “it will be because of unity.”

For him, “the strength of the military is in its unity, not in its diversity.”

The Department of the Air Force and Department of Defense did not return requests for comment from The Epoch Times.

First published in the The Epoch Times



Military ‘hyper-politicized and sexualized’ under Biden admin, former Space Force officer says (Just the News, 27 Jun 23)

The military is a “hyper-politicized and sexualized work environment” that shifted “radically” under the Biden administration, according to former Space Force officer Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, who was removed from his position in 2021 for denouncing Marxism in the armed forces.

“One can make arguments that the military became more political during the Clinton, or during the Obama administration,” Lohmeier told The Epoch Times in a story published Sunday. “But something radically, fundamentally shifted under the current administration with Lloyd Austin in the seat as secretary of defense.”

Lohmeier also said that most service members are attempting to remain apolitical, but “they are finding themselves in a hyper-politicized and sexualized work environment at the moment.” Those who oppose the Defense Department’s initiatives “are labeled as politically partisan and simply ‘part of the problem’ and are ostracized for it,” he also said.

As he promoted his book during a May 2021 podcast, Lohmeier said that Austin was promoting “diversity, inclusion and equity,” which he said was rooted in Critical Race Theory and “Marxism.” He left the military in September of that year after he was punished by officials for his remarks.

Congressional Republicans have been sounding the alarm under the Biden administration about how liberal ideologies such as Critical Race Theory are reportedly harming military readiness.

Recent diversity efforts in the armed forces have included everything from using a non-binary drag queen as a recruitment ambassador to allowing service members to use the bathrooms and showers of the gender they identify with.


Why do senior military leaders continue to push an agenda like this?

Former Space Force Commander, LTC Matthew Lohmeier (USAFA ’06) was on Jesse Watters show talking about the Navy’s odd decision to use a drag queen to help recruitment.

Also at the beginning, Watters has thoughtful things to say about it’s not all about the individual, it’s about the mission. Also note the SECDEF’s erroneous answer to Congressman Gaetz.

Watch video:


Jesse Watters

Lace up the boots, throw on the fatigues. We have the most powerful military in the world–not even close. To get here, it took hundreds of years–hard work, discipline, dedication.

The men and women who protect America, they don’t do it for fame, money or glory. They do it because they think the country’s still worth fighting for.

After they enlist, they get shipped off to boot camp. Lace up the boots, throw on the fatigues, buzz the hair. Imagine how I’d look?

Everybody looks exactly the same. Why? Well, because it’s not about the individual. It’s about the MISSION.

To keep this principle alive, recruiters have sold young men and women on being part of something that’s actually bigger than themselves.

Navy Recruitment Video voiceover

“The call to serve is at once invisible and always present. And for those who choose to answer the call for their country, for their fellow man, for themselves, it is the most powerful force on Earth. America’s Navy: A global force for good.”

Jesse Watters

Guess how old that commercial is? It’s a little over ten years old. And we’ve changed a lot since then. Recruitment took a nosedive. Kids are being told it’s not a country worth fighting for.

You combine that with obesity, drug use and criminal records–getting kind of hard to find people eligible to serve.

Navy’s going to fall–ready?–8000 bodies short of the recruitment goal this year, so they’re tweaking their recruitment strategy.

Meet the new face of the Navy:

Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley

Hey, all you fabulous faces, it’s your girl, Harpy Daniels. I’m sad and sad stands for successful and dangerous. Smart and dedicated. Sassy and dramatic. Strong and determined. Spicy and delicious.

Jesse Watters

So that’s Joshua Kelly, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels. Harpy’s a sailor who says he’s not a man or a woman. And the Navy picked this guy to help recruit cadets.

Harpy advertises how great the Navy is by dressing in drag, putting on makeup, doing his hair and nails, and singing and dancing. If you join the Navy, you can just be like Harpy.

The Navy wants cross dressing sailors manning their ships. If you don’t identify as a man or a woman, but are into the drag queen scene, join the Navy.

That’s the message here.

It’s not about your country.

It’s not about teamwork.

It’s not about the mission.

It’s about YOU and your IDENTITY. You’re the star of the show.

The Navy’s here, and you’re here [above the Navy], attracting all of the attention, because that’s what this is about.

Now, I don’t care what you do in your free time. Harpy can put on women’s clothes. Who cares?

But when it comes to the Navy, it’s not about me, me, me. It’s about the sea and making the sea safe.

You can’t show up to basic training in stilettos and a blonde wig. You need to be in uniform.

Everybody wears the same uniform for a reason. It’s called unit cohesion. It’s about serving something greater than yourself.

But Harpy doesn’t just recruit. Harpy entertains. Here’s Harpy performing a drag show for sailors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan. Yeah. Harpy, he’s given it all he’s got. He loves the spotlight, doesn’t he?

And here’s Harpy on a game show telling the world how he boosts morale on base.

Game show host

Joshua, you once went viral as a drag queen.

Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley

We did. Morale gets very low on deployment, and our MWR put together a lip sync competition. Well, as a drag queen, I put some heels, put some makeup on, and I actually won the lip syncing competition in full drag in the middle of deployment.

Jesse Watters

So this is odd because the Secretary of Defense said there are no drag shows on bases.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

How much taxpayer money should go to fund drag queen story hours on military bases?

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

You know, drag, drag queen story hours is not something that the Department funds.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

At Nellis Air Force Base, you had the Drag-U-Nellis on June 17. Who funded these things, Mr. Secretary?

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Listen, drag shows are not something that the Department of Defense supports or funds.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

Why are they happening on military bases? I just showed you the evidence. Why are they happening?

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

I will say again, this is not something that we support or fund.

Jesse Watters

Well, either Lloyd Austin is lying or he has no idea what’s going on.

And what’s wrong with the Navy? They looked at what happened with Bud Light and said, Hold my beer?

Harpy’s the Navy’s Dylan. Dylan killed Bud Light sales. What do you think Harpy is going to do to recruitment? And where does that leave us?

Let’s bring in former Space Force Lieutenant Colonel and Commander Matthew Lohmeier. He was forced to resign from the military for criticizing Woke.

What is going on with the Navy? Here we have a statement from the Navy. They acknowledge this is a digital ambassador program, a pilot initiative to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates.

LTC Matthew Lohmeier, USAFA ’06, former USAF/Space Force

Jesse, thanks for having me on.

First off, I think it’s terribly unfortunate that every time the United States military is showing up in the news, it’s over things like this anymore these days. The American people see this and think, this has become our military.

So, first and foremost, I think it’s important that I should say, and I fail to do this often enough, thank you to the good men and women who nobly serve our country in uniform every day of their lives because they show up believing in the greatness of the American ideal and because they’re willing to lay their life on the line in defense of this country.

I have to wonder who it is that our senior military leaders, in fact, think they’re appealing to in the recruiting process by hiring a drag queen as their digital ambassador?

I mean, they’re certainly not incentivizing our men and women in uniform to stick around if they’re decent people who believe in the Western nuclear family, as we’ve often referred to it.

They don’t want their kids around this stuff. They don’t want to show up after hours and participate in this stuff.

It’s just not true that it’s helping our recruiting efforts.

What’s surprising is not that it’s taking place because, in fact, we’ve known for the past couple of years during the Biden administration, this has been taking place more and more.

What’s surprising is that senior military leaders continue to push an agenda like this, despite the fact that it’s hurting our recruiting efforts and it’s hurting our retention, and frankly, it can’t help our lethality and our readiness.

Jesse Watters

Someone had to approve this in the Navy and say, I’m going to put a drag queen out to dance and wiggle, and that’s going to attract recruits to join the Navy. Someone had to think this was a good idea. In what world is that a good idea?

LTC Matthew Lohmeier, USAFA ’06, former USAF/Space Force

Well, this is a really unwise strategy. Frankly, you shouldn’t call it a strategy. It’s unwise decision-making by our senior military leaders.

What also is surprising is I know that we have senior ranking members of our military in all branches of the military who are appalled by this stuff, and yet you’re not hearing from them. You’re calling on the late, so to speak, Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier.

Why is it that we seem also to have a crisis of courage among our senior military ranks?

But you’re right, there are people that have to make decisions about these things.

What’s disappointing to Americans generally is that this is a partisan issue somehow.

Why is it that Democrats and Republicans on both sides of the aisle and Congress can’t come together and say, hey, overnight we are going to unite and eliminate this kind of thing from our armed forces?

Why is it that it’s conservatives that are speaking up in defense of our troops who can’t, frankly, speak up freely on behalf of themselves?

Conservatives have been interested in reaching out to me in the wake of me being fired from my command to discuss Marxist-rooted critical race theory and the diversity and inclusion industry.

The Democrats, some of whom I requested meetings with, didn’t want to touch these issues with a ten foot pole.

We’ll never solve our problems until Democrats and Republicans, both sides of the political aisle, are able to unite and say, what is dividing our military hurts lethality and readiness.

We have to take this kind of stuff seriously.

Jesse Watters

It sure does. Especially the way things are shaping up in the Pacific with China.

It’s not even about the gender stuff with the drag. You wouldn’t advertise for Navy recruitment with chippendale half naked male dancers. You just wouldn’t do it. It’s not tasteful, and it doesn’t go with the vibe of we’re all in this together.

Thank you very much, Colonel, and we got to run, but we appreciate your insight.

Space Force commander fired for criticizing CRT rips Navy’s turn to drag queens for recruitment (Fox News, 4 May 23)
A former Space Force lieutenant colonel who was relieved of his command in 2021 after criticizing the rise of wokeness and critical race theory principles within the military sounded off on the U.S. Navy’s latest recruitment strategy: showcasing drag performers.

Matthew Lohmeier, who was commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron in Colorado before he made comments on a podcast critical of Marxism, told Fox News it is sad that whenever the U.S. military makes the news, it is for items like the drag-themed recruitment videos. . . . .


Glenn Beck Interview with Matt Lohmeier

On this episode of “The Glenn Beck Podcast,” Glenn talks to Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the first Space Force veteran.

As the commander of a space-based missile warning unit, he was disturbed by the military’s increasingly woke and Marxist agenda, and he decided to speak out and write a book, “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.” (Note: #1 Best Seller in Military Policy category)

But instead of listening, the military fired him. Now, with Putin’s finger near the red button and China sneering at Taiwan, Matt joins Glenn to sound the alarm: Did the U.S. bomb the Nord Stream pipeline? Did our woke military give Putin his greatest weapon?