
DEI ideology creating havoc in universities and the military

We are witnessing the divisive effects of the DEI agenda that is creating havoc at universities and colleges as well as in the military, says Matt Lohmeier.

“Securing America” show hosted by Frank Gaffney on Real America’s Voice network interviewed STARRS Chairman Lt. General Rod Bishop (USAF ret), who then introduced Lt Col Matt Lohmeier, formerly with the US Space Force, US Air Force and 2006 Air Force Academy graduate. He is a member of the STARRS Board of Advisors.



Frank Gaffney

Welcome to Securing America with me, Frank Gaffney. The program is a owners manual for protecting the country we love against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to the glory of God and His Kingdom. We have a very special show. I think if Ed Sullivan were still with us, he would call it a “Really Big Shew”, and it is going to be all of that because we have five extraordinarily impressive people who are going to be contributing to each of our segments.

We have a co-host who is a Lieutenant General, United States Air Force, retired. All of them have served in uniform. All of them are still in the fight, I’m very proud to say, in particular, trying to speak on behalf of men and women they served with and who are still in uniform, whose voices are generally not heard on matters of public policy, even those that are making a horrifically serious, indeed dangerous impact on the readiness the morale, the fighting trim, and the deterrent capability of our military. We actually have a still- serving member of the armed forces. We’ll be introducing her in a moment, but the rest are retired. We’re going to start with my co-host for this program, Lieutenant General Rod Bishop, United States Air Force, retired.

He is a man who, in his day, commanded the Third US Air Force, as well as was the Air Commander for Europe. Got a very formidable pedigree, and I want to thank him, especially for the work that he’s done post his time in uniform. Launching STARRS, which stands for Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services. It has helped spawn a new coalition, which he’s going to tell us about. I’m proud to be part of it and delighted to showcase it here on Securing America. General, we’re delighted to have you with us, sir. Over to you.

LTG Rod Bishop

Hey, Frank. Thanks so much for having us on and for hosting this and helping us organize it. I think one of the things I’m most proud of today, you mentioned this coalition. That coalition in less than a week is at 19 organizations from around our country who understand exactly what you just said, the harmful effects that this poisonous ideology that is infecting our military is happening.

I’m happy to have five In fact, all six of us, including you, are members of that coalition. All six, oh, by the way, are either members of our Board of Advisors at STARRS or a Board of Directors, except for Bibi, and I’m on her board. Our first guest, to cut to the chase….

Frank Gaffney

It’s close enough for government work, as they say. Before you do, sir, I do want you to mention the name of the new coalition.

LTG Rod Bishop

The new coalition is the Military Readiness and Merit Coalition. Again, 19 organizations, 10 of us had hoped to be at a meeting today at the DACODAI, the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. But the door was shut on us on Monday for attending in person. That meeting is going on right now. We filled up the room electronically. Nobody else can get in. So hopefully, the message is getting through.

So to our first guest, Frank, I’d like to introduce someone most of the audience probably already knows. That’s Matt Lohmeier. His biography–he’s too humble in it–he was the number one of 700 plus majors in US Space Force. That’s the talent that we are losing because Matt was fired from his command when he wrote a book called “Irresistible Revolution: A Marxist Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military”. There’s nobody that knows more about this. He studied it for two years back to back at Air and War College and the School of Advanced Air and Space Sciences. Matt, yours is the only book I’ve ever read twice, I think, in my life. So over to you, sir.

LTC Matt Lohmeier

General Bishop, thanks for the introduction. Because it cut out just briefly when I was listening to you, I’m going to restate the title of book, “Irresistible Revolution”.

I want to change gears from my own past career to something I’ve experienced just this week that’s of interest and relevant to the things that we’re talking about today with the destruction, deliberate destruction I think, of merit, meritocracy and its impact on readiness.

Just this week, literally this week, for two different events, I’ve have been either uninvited or the event has been canceled as a consequence of viewpoint discrimination, in my view. One was the before mentioned DACODAI meeting that the Pentagon had invited folks out to attend, and the other was an event at a college campus.

I was invited as a guest speaker at University of San Diego this week. Incidentally, I was supposed to be speaking there right now, and funding was approved to bring me out. A group of College Republicans had invited me out. There’s a very small group of bullies on the campus who get to decide whether or not to trump decisions about what guest speakers come out. I was found in violation of their transgender and queer hate speech policies, which is totally bogus. And of course, they’re not obligated to provide any specific example as to why I’ve been uninvited.

But we’ve seen now as Americans, and the reason I bring it up, we’ve seen now as Americans the failure, collapse that comes as a consequence of ideology permeating the university campuses.

It’s been in the headlines for a week, and now we’re facing and have been, and some of us have been shouting about it for a couple of years now, the same indoctrination and ideology that for decades has infiltrated and subverted the university campuses.

It’s wreaking havoc in the military, whether or not people yet aware of the destructive influence that it is.

What I want to say up front is that this censorship, a deliberate silencing of a large majority of people in this country who love their country, is a harbinger of societal failure. It’s a harbinger of military failure and weakness.

I think that the problem with censorship as a whole in a free society is that it impoverishes the intellect of society and stifles a material substantive view of a large portion of the population so that decision makers, and I’ll speak specifically of the Defense Department now.

Decision-makers are left making foolish errors and foolish decisions based on foolish opinions of a relatively small group, foolish ideas of a relatively small group of people. We see it time and time again. This group is well aware of that, and that’s what we’re trying to wake up Americans to.

Frank Gaffney

Matt, could I just ask you, the question of ideology, you’ve literally written the book on Marxism inside our military. Is there any doubt in your mind that the diversity, equity, inclusion, the critical race theory, the identity, the pronouns, all of this stuff, is in fact part of a cultural Marxist attack on our armed forces?

You mentioned it’s wreaking havoc in the military. Is it diminishing its readiness? Is it endangering its deterrent capabilities as well as warfighting? Should it come to that?

LTC Matt Lohmeier

There is no doubt in my mind that, first off, critical race theory is rooted in Marxism, and therefore, the entirety of the diversity, equity, and inclusion industry and complex has an ideological bent that favors Marxism, that attacks America and its founding, and those with, at the moment, conservative values, regardless of the race, by the way.

I want to share a story with you just briefly. It’s that while I was in command, and this is several years ago, when I had begun to suspect the divisive impact and then began to witness it firsthand of the diversity and inclusion trainings that were being offered to our military service members, I had a married couple in my unit who were black, and the wife was believing the trainings, buying into them, and beginning to have resentment not only for her unit, her fellow unit members, and for the United States, and for the uniform that she wore, but for her own husband, who was skeptical of the trainings, who thought that they ran contrary to everything he had been trained to think and believe in the United States military.

So I saw division within a single home, to say nothing of the impacts on a unit or a broader society.

Frank Gaffney

General Bishop, we got to wrap with Matt Lohmier. Thank you for this incredibly important set of insights about both what you’re seeing in the larger society as well as, of course, inside the military and for identifying the toxic brew that is Marxism. We’ll be right back with more. Stay tuned, folks.



Matt Lohmeier on Bitcoin Veterans podcast

I was happy to spend time with @BitcoinVeterans for this interview. I don’t usually come away from an interview with a genuine interest in learning some new thing. But these guys planted the Bitcoin bug and I’ve not shaken it since.


Also watch on X:


The Military’s Woke Agenda Is Terrifying

In this “Chicks on the Right” episode, The Chicks are joined by special guest Matt Lohmeier, a former lieutenant colonel commander in the Space Force.

Lohmeier shares his story of being released from command after speaking out against the politicization of the military.

He discusses the rise of Marxist critical race theory and the negative impact it has on military readiness.

Lohmeier explains how he was fired for writing a book that called for greater accountability and the elimination of partisanship in the military workplace.

Despite the challenges he faced, Lohmeier remains committed to speaking the truth and raising awareness about the dangers of wokeism in the military.


FLAT EARTH DEBATE: Jeran Campanella vs Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier

In this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein,” we have a debate for the ages: Is the Earth flat?

Famous flat-earther Jeran Campanella, aka @jeranism, returns to the show to defend his beliefs against former Space Force Commander Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier.

Will Jeran finally be convinced that the Earth is a globe? Or will this space commander shock the world and admit that the earth is flat?

Don’t miss this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein”!


Former US Space Force Commander EXPOSES What’s Really Happening

Matt Lohmeier joined Jimmy Corsetti for a live session on Jimmy’s Bright Insight channel and talked about a lot of things: Matt’s story, the infiltration of Marxism in our country and military, UFO/UAP’s, and many other consequential topics:

or watch the first half on YouTube:

Follow Jimmy on X: @BrightInsight6

Excerpt from the interview:

“Communism predates Karl Marx. The Communist League asked Karl Marx if he would pen a declaration or a manifesto for them that would state articulately their views, and Marx published what is now known as the Communist Manifesto.

Marx wrote his young, bright ideas down about how he best thought it was possible to incite the working class in his day to a violent revolution against the bourgeoisie.

He divided up his narrative of human events into two groups: an oppressor class--this is all in part one of the Communist Manifesto–and an oppressed class that was respectively the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

He gave the proletariat sufficient reason in the manifesto that they needed to unite as workers and if necessary, violently throw off their oppressor, the modern capitalist.

One of the things that I saw when I began to study Marxism, the ideology that was permeating all of the countries across the globe in the late 19th century and surely throughout all of the Cold War, was that there was an emphasis on pitting one class or group of people against each other for whatever reason.

In the mid the late 19th century, it is about economic class stratification. Later it was usurped and today it has been usurped to be about race relations and an oppressor class versus an oppressed group or class of people– the spirit of it all is the same.

But the narrative has been adapted to our modern circumstances in the United States because it’s the best narrative of human events that can be leveraged to create anger and hatred, sufficient to get people to unite together in violence against the other, the evil other. That is what I want to emphasize.

So as a starting point, I’ll say that is Marxist ideology or Marxist thought. The idea in the end is that it brings about a revolution that will allow for a communist state to be established. The first successful revolution, by the way, that led to a successful establishment of a communist state was the Bolshevik Revolution.”


More about Matt’s book:

BOOK: Irresistible Revolution

Get a signed copy of Matt’s book


Can the Military be saved from far-Left indoctrination?

LTC Matthew Lohmeier, USAFA graduate and author of a best-selling book about the infiltration of Marxist ideology into the US military, was interviewed by former Marine Corps University professor and White House advisor Dr. Sebastian Gorka on the America First with Sebastian Gorka show.

They discuss whether or not the U.S. military can be saved from the far-left indoctrination efforts of the Biden regime.

Watch or read the transcript:


How Cultural Marxism Threatens the United States and How Americans Can Fight It (Heritage Foundation)

Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military by Matthew Lohmeier


Sebastian Gorka

Look at what the Navy did recently, they have a drag queen quote, “artiste” put into a combat uniform. To do what? Recruit more drag queens. What does our enemy think about that? They’re laughing at us. Dear friends, it’s serious business. A man who knows just how badly the neo-Marxist rot has penetrated the armed forces is the man who calls himself the first veteran of the Space Force. And that’s not for a good reason. He is a patriot. His name is Matthew Lohmeier. Matthew, welcome back to America First.

Matthew Lohmeier

Happy to be back. Thanks.

Sebastian Gorka

Tell people who missed your story and haven’t read your book, why are you the first veteran of Space Force? How did that happen?

Matthew Lohmeier

I was one of the first sessions into the Space Force when it was first stood up. December 2019 is when the Space Force became a reality, thanks to President Trump and Pence championing the idea that had been a bipartisan idea for quite some time before they came into office. I end up transitioning out of the Air Force into that Space Force.

I had flown F-15s, I had done space-based missile warning for the Air Force, which was responsible for most of our national security space assets, and then transitioned into the Space Force and was placed in command of our nation’s space-based missile warning out in Colorado.

Unfortunately, the time I came into command– fortunately, I suppose, depending on how one looks at it — is that was a time in the summer of 2020 that we had just seen George Floyd’s death reported in the news, and you saw what was literally a neo-Marxist activism hit the streets in this country.

It looked to the American observer like Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others who seemed to be craving some kind of new purpose in their lives, smashing police cars, smashing the windows on buildings, and terrorizing the American people. Unfortunately, that impulse, which is really a spiritual impulse of sorts, was prolific.

All of a sudden, for the first time in my military career, throughout the Defense Department, you had activists high and low of various ranks, of various races, who seized the opportunity to join in their voices with the other activists, whether it be online or in the military workplace and politicize.

Sebastian Gorka

The political activism in uniform was rescinded in general, so Trump hats could be worn and people could talk about the Bible.

Matthew Lohmeier

Yeah, it is a good idea that our military remain relatively apolitical, at least in the workplace. Now senior leaders have a roughly speaking, political job. But no, absolutely, the obligation is to be rather apolitical.

And yet there was a left wing — and make no mistake about it, that’s precisely what it was — it was a radical left-wing politicization of the military workplace.

Now it’s turned into not just a politicization, but a sexualization of the military workplace. When we talk about hiring a drag queen to be the digital ambassador for the United States Navy, I mean, it’s really getting out of hand quickly. Despite the fact that both service members and the American people are waking up to this problem that we’re facing — not just in American society, but in the military.

Let me mention this one more thing. Here’s the unfortunate reality. It is deemed non-political to spout the left-wing talking points when wearing the uniform of your country. It’s like, well, that’s just “be accepting, be inclusive”.

But if you have someone that speaks up and identifies these talking points as a problem in the military workplace, they have a label slapped on them immediately. It’s, well, they’re politically partisan. They’re ‘alt-right’. They’re ‘white supremacist’.

I’ll tell you, it has really disincentivized our men and women in uniform from either continued service or young men and women who had aspirations to join the military from joining.

After all, people are really disappointed by what they’re seeing right now. So we have to fix this problem.

Sebastian Gorka

My wife and her former colleague at the Heritage Foundation, Mike Gonzalez, have written a piece. I commend it to all of you. It’s titled How Cultural Marxism Threatens the United States and How Americans Can Fight It. Katie and Mike came up with this concept of Next-Gen Marxist. This is a new kind of Marxism. It pits us against each other, not based on class and socioeconomic background, but gender, skin color, and what have you.

You wrote the book. It’s “Irresistible Revolution“. Everybody needs to read this. “Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and Unmaking of the American Military”.

You may have left Space Force, but you’re not giving up. So tell us a little bit, as much as you can about this new project that you have ventured upon.

Matthew Lohmeier

I have been, ever since I separated in the fall of 2021, tried to stay in touch with our service members of all branches of the military, first off, and I interact with them still. Some of them still reach out to me. As recently as this week, two new service members have reached out to me saying, hey, please help. I’m in a bind here because of the politics at my base. That’s been things like the COVID shot mandate, which is now gone fortunately, but also just the race talk and the sexualization of the workplace. So there’s that, and that has not stopped.

I’ve been speaking around the country, but there’s another project that I’m throwing my energy into at the moment. I think it’s going to be very impactful. It won’t be seen publicly by the American people probably in the next couple of months, but they will hear about it soon. I’m hoping to try and solve some of the problems as well as educate all American people, regardless of where they sit on the political spectrum, frankly, because everyone — Democrat, Republican and unaffiliated — need to be willing to learn about how this is affecting the military soldier.

So I’m working on a documentary film, and I’ve got an exceptionally talented documentary filmmaking crew.

Sebastian Gorka

So you have faith that this is salvageable, that the US military is salvageable?

Matthew Lohmeier

Yes. If certain things take place, we need people speaking up no matter what their sphere of influence is. But I don’t know that it’s possible with the current administration, quite frankly, because . . . . .

Sebastian Gorka

Their objective is the opposite.

Matthew Lohmeier

Their policy is the opposite. Senior military leaders, both civilian and uniform wearing, are able to point to the administration and lay blame upon the administration, whether they support the agenda or they don’t.

Sebastian Gorka

And your take when the most senior military individual in the United States says, “I don’t know what CRT is, but I think it’s great that West Point is teaching it,” or when Mark Milley says, “I’m white and I want to know what white rage is.” They’ve won. Haven’t the Marxists won?

Matthew Lohmeier

Well, they are winning when that happens.

Let me tell you what’s more concerning to me is that people who once had the respect of the entire force instantly lose credibility with men and women in uniform — instantly — and it’s hard to get back.

So you cannot be a political animal while you’re in uniform if you expect to maintain the trust and respect and loyalty of the entire force. And that’s precisely what they’re doing wrong at the moment.

Sebastian Gorka

All right. He’s a brave man. You’ve got to read the book. It is “Irresistible Revolution“. Follow him right now @MatthewLohmeier.

He has endeavored to bring us a new product. He can’t release all of the information right now, but he said to me outside, this is part and parcel of how we recover the US military.

Have faith, dear friends, even if you’re still in uniform. Why? We’ve been here before. Not this bad, but if you remember the Carter years, it was bad. It was drug use. It was all kinds of things inside the military. It was a loss of faith in the institutions. But thanks to Ronald Reagan, we recovered. We can do it again if we have the requisite leadership and truth tellers like Matt.


Can The US Military Be Saved?

Watch The Liberty Monks Roundtable featuring LTC Matt Lohmeier, Major General Joe Arbuckle (USA ret) and retired Lt. General Rod Bishop (USAF ret).

The Liberty Monks welcome the founders of STARRS which educates our fellow Americans on the dangers of racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military in order to eliminate these divisive influences and maintain a unified and cohesive fighting force.

Lt Gen Rod Bishop, USAF (Ret.) is the founder of STARRS and served on active duty for 34 years as an aircraft commander, instructor pilot, and flight examiner. He commanded airmen at every operational level, including two squadrons, an operations group, an airlift wing, and a numbered air force. General Bishop’s last assignment was as Commander, 3rd Air Force, United States Air Forces in Europe at Ramstein Airbase in Germany, where he oversaw all American air and space activities in 93 countries in Europe and Africa.

MG Joe Arbuckle, USA (Ret.) first enlisted in the Army in 1968, and was later commissioned in the Ordnance Corps upon graduating from Officer Candidate School in 1970. Having volunteered for duty as an Infantry Officer, he served a year in Vietnam as an Advisory Team Detachment Commander and as an Assistant District Senior Advisor. He has commanded troops at multiple levels, including as Commanding General of the Joint Ground Task Force, which included an Army and Marine Brigade, as well as Commanding General of Industrial Operations Command (IOC), which was later redesignated the US Army Operations Support Command. General Arbuckle retired after 30 years of dedicated service.

Matthew Lohmeier (Former Lt. Col) is author of the bestselling book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. His book was published in May 2021, at which time Matt was a respected active-duty commander in the newly formed US Space Force. For publishing and speaking about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation launched from the Pentagon. He subsequently joined the nation’s biggest media personalities to discuss the proliferation of Marxist-rooted critical race theory (CRT) in the military and its divisive impact on the force and mission. Matt separated from active duty on September 1, 2021, and is now a highly sought public speaker and private consultant on matters of Marxist ideology and tactics, CRT, the betterment of military culture, and the preservation of our liberties.

Open Letters

  • An Open Letter to my Fellow Army General Officers
  • “A Republic If You Can Keep It” Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals


Saving Military Academies From Wokeness

Legal Insurrection Foundation  held an online event: “Saving the Military Service Academies from Wokeness” featuring Matt Lohmeier, author of the bestselling book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.

The book was published in May 2021, at which time he was a respected active-duty commander in the newly formed U.S. Space Force. For publishing and speaking publicly about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation within the Pentagon.

Lohmeier later joined veteran-led nonprofit group STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services) and actively works to educate Americans about the dangers of racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military.

Kemberlee Kaye of Legal Insurrection was the host of the event. Founder William Jacobson spoke about Legal Insurrection Foundation’s recently released Military Service Academies database at cataloguing Critical Race training in military service academies.

Their research confirms that all five federal service academies have some form of critical race, anti-racism, or related objectives.


Marxism In U.S. Military Exposed: The Intentional Plan To Dismantle America’s Armed Forces

Matt was interviewed on The Stew Peters Show.

Stew contends that the COVID vaccine mandate has more to do with purging the military of those willing to refuse the vaccine in order to create a new military that is more politically compliant if it ever had to be used against Americans.

For his part, former Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier stated that the overall situation is dire and he describes how he wrote his book Irresistible Revolution to warn the country and its leadership of the dangers of the Marxist infiltration.

Though his book was apolitical – indeed, its focus was to highlight the dangers of advocating political activism in the military – he was fired from his position as a squadron commander in the Space Force. Ironically, Lohmeier was compelled to leave the service for engaging in politics, specifically the need for the military to be apolitical.

It used to be that one thing all Americans could agree on was that Marxism is anti-American. Communism was the enemy and, if allowed to infiltrate, would destroy our country and way of life. Marxism was what we fought the Cold War over!

Matt implores all Americans not to give up, but rather get involved and stand up for America and help turn things around.

Watch the Video


STARRS interview with Matt Lohmeier

Matt was interviewed by Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret on the STARRS podcast, “The Intellectuals”.

Air Force Academy graduate and former US Space Force Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his squadron command for writing and promoting Irresistible Revolution, Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & The Unmaking of the American Military.

Matt discusses how he identified the threat and discussed his concerns with his peers and superiors before and during the process of writing the book; most of whom shared his concerns.

He warned of how political the service was getting and trends of illegal discrimination and unethical behavior. For this, he was fired for being politically partisan.

He has no regrets about his actions that led to him separating from the military because he was doing the right thing to defend our country and constitution; and he still is.