Unmasking the Marxist Agenda in the Military

Matt Lohmeier was a guest on Kingdom Podcast with Greg Hood going in-depth on Marxism in our country:

Excerpt from the interview:

“Unfortunately Nations tend to wake up to their own peril just a little bit too late, that’s just a historical artifact. If you study history enough you see that about the time people wake up to the fact that they’re in big trouble it’s because that trouble has come knocking at their front doors and not because it’s just beginning.

For over a half century Marxists who have an aim of Communist Revolution have sought as a matter of strategy to infiltrate the United States government among other institutions. In fact this is as old as before it ever came to the United States in Lincoln’s presidency in the early 1860s.

There’s a letter I’ve got it on my shelf behind me here in a book called Letters to Americans and Marx and Engels and their comrades were writing letters to Western European comrades and to folks in the United States stating very clearly that they had the aim of infiltrating the United States government by running for office for the United States Senate, for running for office for the United States House of Representatives and eventually the presidency.

It’s not a surprise to somebody who’s spent a little bit of time studying the development of their efforts to appreciate today even though someone like Joseph McCarthy was demonized at the time that he was effectively calling out a bunch of people for being communist infiltrators in the US government.

He was demonized and he was blacklisted by history which is an interesting title of an excellent book that essentially vindicates Joseph McCarthy’s efforts. I’d recommend that read, it’s a tone but it’s fascinating.

What we saw after the collapse of the Soviet Union in fact that he was right about a great number of things that were taking place in the United States government but it’s much worse today.

We had a a exciting reprieve from the fight against communism, it seemed after the collapse of the Soviet Union but in reality that just wasn’t true Marxism was already deeply in place in the university campuses in this country. It had been there for decades in fact, it was in politics in Washington DC.

Trevor Loudon has done excellent work exposing who some of those specific personalities are that have been in elected capacities in Washington DC for a very long time. David Horwitz has done great work about that–they’ve done excellent work.

Today what’s most surprising is that people can be openly affiliated with or supportive of or advocating for a Marxist worldview and they’re not considered an enemy to the United States or its values. In fact we’re supposed to be inclusive and say well that’s just their worldview and all worldviews equally matter.

We’ve become all too tolerant of an of an enemy in our midst. It will serve as our unmaking as a people unless a whole bunch of things change moving forward from now.

I’ll tell you honestly I go back forth depending on the day of the week whether or not it’s even possible to recover but I’m heavily invested in both studying current events but even more so history and and the cycles of nations and empires that come and go. I’ll tell you it’s downright depressing to see just where we’re at as a country right now, just how much our language has changed, just how much division there is, just how much inability to communicate with the other there is and there’s a visceral emotional guttural response that people are having to one another right now that that portends civil violence. So that’s why I actually wrote the book that got me in trouble. . . . “

Matt Lohmeier is a 2006 graduate of the US Air Force Academy, flew  fighter jets and last served as a US Space Force Lt. Colonel in space-based missile warning. He’s now a consultant and public speaker warning America about Marxist ideology infecting the military. Matt is the author of the best-selling book “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.”

Matt also serves as the Executive Vice President of STARRS, an organization of US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI/Woke ideology and agenda infiltrating the military and seek to expose, stand up against, and eliminate it in order to keep our country safe.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Matt Lohmeier, STARRS Executive Vice President, has been nominated by President Trump to be the next Under Secretary of the Air Force. Following his nomination, Matt assumed an inactive status at STARRS in order to fully focus on preparing for his forthcoming confirmation hearing, which has not yet been scheduled. Depending on the outcome of the hearing, Matt will either then fully transition into his new role at the Pentagon or will return fully to his work at STARRS.


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