
“We fought a Cold War over the Containment of Communism and Marxist ideology”

We just can’t shy away from calling things what they are. . . . We’ve got to call it what it is that we’re fighting: Marxism.

Matthew Lohmeier was recently on Frank Gaffney’s show, “Securing America” on Real America’s Voice channel talking about Marxism, his book, his interaction with President Trump, the National Space Council, the US Space Force and more.



(Automatic transcription, not edited)

Frank Gaffney
We’re back. And we’re back with someone I’ve come to admire tremendously, both for his service in uniform and his service to our country. Since he was obliged to take it off. His name is Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Longmire, United States Air Force of the former pilot, a man who, was an instructor pilot as well. He was also, in command of a unit of the US Space Force early in its incarnation under Donald Trump.

He had an opportunity to interact with the former president, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, last week. And I was anxious to catch up with him because I understand that, something very important may have come of their interactions on stage there. But before we get into all of that, I want to ask Matt to sort of level set with us a bit about his background and why he was, obliged to leave the service and, and a really important book that, should be required reading for everybody in the United States military, especially in leadership positions.

It’s entitled The Irresistible Revolution Marxism, Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of America’s Military. Matt, it’s good to have you back, sir. Welcome, board.

Matt Lohmeier
I’m happy to be back with you, Frank. Thanks for having me.

Frank Gaffney
Good to see you. It’s been too long. So this book is about Marxism, a subject that is unfortunately not, unique to what’s happened to the military. It just happens to be particularly ominous that it is metastasizing in our armed forces. Talk a little bit about your experience of it in uniform. And, what’s come of your warnings about it?

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah. Thank you. I just, in fact, spoke in Arizona, several weeks ago, and, I mentioned Cultural Marxism, Marxist ideology, as I am wont to do these days as I take a stage. And there was a veteran gentleman that approached me afterward and said, you know, I think you’re really missing the mark by calling this Marxism. You ought to find a different word for this. And I just told them, sorry, brother, you need to get caught up to speed because it’s no mystery anymore to people that are paying attention, that that’s precisely what what’s at stake. And and, you know, there comes a point at which we just can’t shy away from calling things what they are.

The left has done a phenomenal job over the past, well over its history, at inserting ideology into every arena so that we are rapidly changing language and confounding tongues for Americans, for the Western civilization. And we can’t do that. We have to say what it is.

Frank Gaffney
I just make a quick comment on. Yeah, because I have had this discussion endlessly with people in the, you know, sort of political arena who are saying, well, yes, we understand it’s Marxism, but we have to call it socialism or big government socialism or big government. Something else. I couldn’t agree with you more, Matt. We’ve got to call it what it is.

And the fact that we refrained from doing so simply compounds the peril that we’re facing. So talk a little bit about it in the military in particular, and what you saw of it during your time in it.

Matt Lohmeier
Fortunately, before coming into command and the space forces you mentioned, I had had several years of dedicated study of Marxism. And so when I showed up in command in the summer months of 2020, it was in the the couple of months after George Floyd’s death and the BLM and Antifa riots that the American people were seeing on TV.

They saw the windows being smashed, the raised fists, the people kneeling and apologizing, for their white guilt or anything else that they could be coerced into confessing. And I recognize that impulse as Marxist. It was a part of Mao’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. You can ask those who participated in that there. And of course, Marxism wears different masks and it goes by different names depending on which organization is pushing it or how it appears on a syllabus in a college campus.

However, I chose to call it Marxism. I chose to at first before ever publishing a book, share feedback with my chain of command all the way up to a member of the Joint Chiefs, General Jay Raymond, who is, I considered a friend of mine, and I was his aide de camp during the stand up of the Space Force.

I had private phone conversations with General Raymond, sharing with him what I was seeing.

It was what I what I can still very honestly characterize as both anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-American rhetoric coming out of, young troops on the base, but in particular, what I was most concerned about was a base commander who was sharing, he was using this moment in history to push his political worldview, which was very leftist in nature.

And I said, there’s this is undeniably Marxist. There’s Black Lives Matter propaganda showing up on the base, which was an avowed Marxist organization. Its founders were Marxist, and he expressed support for my concern, General Raymond did, and said, this has got to stop. Shortly thereafter, President Trump issued an executive order banning critical race theory and diversity and inclusion trainings in the federal agencies and in the uniform services, so they recognize that this is a problem.

And yet it didn’t seem to completely stop the problem, especially after the election and the Biden Harris regime came to power, which is what compelled me to write a book about it, you know?

Frank Gaffney
And, it was an extraordinarily well done book, by the way. Obviously bearing, the, the fruits of your labors and studying the matter, but also your courage and clarity in describing it and your comments in the, early years of the, new administration obviously brought you into conflict with those who were promoting this culture and Marxism in the uniform ranks, both, and the officer corps side, I guess, as well as the civilian side.

Just quickly, what befell you as a result?

Matt Lohmeier
Unfortunately. So I ended up being relieved of my command literally the week after the book was published. And it’s a print on demand self-published book. I doubt they could have got their hands on it and read it that quickly. And in fact, that included all of the legal caveats I needed to in the front, middle, and end of the book, saying that this represents my own views and not the views of the Defense Department, which, by the way, I need to add.

It’s ironic that I even have to say that in relation to this topic, that we fought a Cold War over, which was the containment of communism and Marxist ideology.

And the book is not, it genuinely not intended to be politically partisan. It is pro-American and it is anti Marxist. You would think that, both major political parties in this country would be anti Marxist, but allegedly or apparently I should say they are not.

And the fact that I was fired for alleged political partisanship is really telling about the state of, American politics at the moment. It was deemed that I’m too conservative and too pro-Republican because I’m anti Marxist and I am very conservative and I am a registered Republican. But that didn’t matter. It was the fact that they deemed the attack on Marxism as partisan, which tells you something about where the Democrat Party has landed.

I couldn’t say it that boldly when I was in uniform and I didn’t, but I was fired nevertheless. There shouldn’t be that partisan. I mean, we should all be anti-communist if we’re Americans and we love our country and we love our history, and we love where we need to go.

Frank Gaffney
But especially Matt and just, you know, develop this thought if you would, when you’re talking about the United States military, whose sole mission is to protect the country from enemies like the Chinese Communist Party, for example, if it is being indoctrinated, if it is actually being subverted, I would argue, by cultural Marxism right out of Mao’s playbook, which is a divide and conquer strategy.

Right? It creates a, a parallel, as I say, for the country and not just for the institution of the military, but for the country as well. Does it not?

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah. You know, our senior defense officials should recognize at once that our greatest I’m reluctant to just call it a military threat. I mean, a one of our grand competitors, perhaps the grand competitors, China and XI Jinping, who exert tremendous influence on the world stage. And XI Jinping has become a kind of de facto emperor of communist, the Chinese Communist Party, and will continue to be in power as long as he can control that party.

And the fact is, they’re communist. They would love nothing more than to insert communism and Marxist thought and Maoist thought into the American system, into the American political debate. One thing they’re not focused on is DEI initiatives, critical race theory. There were purges back in the in the Cultural Revolution to be sure, but there is an enforced uniformity there where they can where they can do so, but they love they know exactly what to do to tamper with the American political dialog.

They know exactly what to do to upend culture, to destroy the religious communities, to make the religious people think that they have no place in the political sphere. And, to demonize the man, the man that made America great. You know, I’m not talking about the orange man bad Trump.

I’m talking about men and manliness. I’m talking about, the manly ethos, the warrior ethos. They’ve undermined all of that, and we do it to ourselves when we allow for those narratives and rhetoric that have so pervaded the universities for decades to infect an institution that’s been long trusted, like the United States military.

Frank Gaffney
So this brings us of and we’ve only got about a minute and a half before we have to take a break. But, just introduce what happened on the stage, with President Trump in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Matt Lohmeier
Yes, I, I ended up last, Friday getting a chance to meet President Trump on stage. I didn’t expect it. I didn’t seek for the opportunity. It was really, it was an orchestration beyond my control, which I’d like to share with you the background of. But I ended up having a face to face dialog with President Trump on the stage that turned into something quite promising.

Frank Gaffney
That is, the subject of, I guess, you know, everything else we’re going to talk about, it’s it’s looking forward, not back. It’s looking, to help correct some of the things that you personally were subjected to and have been warning about, and it’s extremely exciting to hear that, you not only made that connection with him, but, I’ve heard a little bit of the back story and, and, there’s only one explanation for how it all came to pass.

It seems to me. And that is, true, that the hand of God. So when we come back up from the other side of this short break. But I was going to tell us a little bit about that interaction with President Trump and what we hope may come of it.

Welcome back. And a special welcome once again to Matthew Lohmeier, Lieutenant Colonel, forced out of the military for warning about the penetration and subversion of an institution in which he served with great distinction over Marxism and what it was doing to the uniformed services of our country, as well as, I would argue, to the country more generally.

And, Matt, you were just telling us about, an interaction that you had with former President Donald Trump on the stage at, in Fayetteville. Not too far from what was formerly known as Fort Bragg, I gather. He said he’s going to call it Fort Bragg again. He’s, put back in office. Tell us a little bit about your interaction with him.

I understand that it didn’t go exactly according to plan, but, it seems like a higher purpose was very much served.

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah. You know, I got a call on a Wednesday night, and the event was on Friday, and, it’s no small trip for me to get out to North Carolina. And, I suppose everyone was told last second to maybe try and make it out, but I was invited to come out and basically be a plant to ask a question with a number of other veterans who are invited to come out.

I have to tell you this, you know, many people in the public haven’t yet heard this, and I think you’ll appreciate this. The woman who had given me the phone call said that she had called another retired general officer as her last selection to be on the stage. She didn’t know who I was, and, she she called this general and said, hey, can you make it out?

He said, I’m sorry, I just can’t make it. And she said, well, I need to find one more person who can join me on stage. And right as she said that, an email came in on her computer screen in front of her from another woman, that she’d never met before and never heard from or never heard of, and said, you have to get Matt Lohmeier at this event with Trump.

She asks the retired general officer, she said, do you know who this Matt Lohmeier guy is? I’ve never heard of him. And he said, oh, yeah, I can’t say enough good things about Matt. You need to have him take my place. So she called me. She gets me out there.

I fly out the very next morning, and the whole day and a half lead up to that event, I’m getting text messages from her saying things like, no guarantee you’ll get into the event. No guarantee we’ll get you, a microphone to ask a question. And I’m thinking, what am I doing out here? But I end up getting there backstage several hours before the event, and, all of us were kind of separated out. Some of us got to sit in the audience, and some of us were told, we get to join President Trump on stage.

I was selected to go on stage. And then we were given these three by five note cards that had canned questions on them. And and no doubt my question was an important one. I didn’t, frankly, like the way that it was worded, but it was something like, hi, I’m Matthew, how will you help us avoid World War Three?

In the right context, I suppose that’s a pretty important question, but I thought, you know, I’m not here to ask that question. I don’t believe this was orchestrated. So I can come have him leave here not knowing who I am, whether certain missions, in my mind, that needs to be accomplished.

I sat there for an hour during that town hall, listening to him as best I could hear him (it was hard to hear where I was sitting), say things about Ukraine and Russia, say things about Iran and Israel, say things about China, Taiwan and World War three. And I thought, they haven’t even let me ask my question. He’s already touched upon all of the the, tinder boxes. That could be World War Three. I don’t want to revisit it and look like an idiot.

So I wrestled there on the stage. I thought, why am I here? What’s my purpose here? And it was to speak to the man from the heart, tell him who I am, and that he mentioned firing woke generals.

I don’t think that’s far enough. With respect, you’re going to need some consistent, persistent overwatch of the of the Defense Department for the next four years to make sure that this monster that we call DEI and critical race theory and cultural Marxism doesn’t rear its ugly head again in the in the uniform services on your watch.

As I was speaking to him, he were four feet from each other. And he’s looking in my eyes and I can tell I mean, metaphorically speaking, he’s scanning me up and down, sizing me up, and he’s making a judgment call. I and I had the strong impression he’s about to hire me for that very job. And he did on the stage.

I couldn’t even hear him. That’s the funny part. It was after I left the stage and watched a video clip of what had happened. Then I heard the whole interaction, but, but he said, this after after that interaction, the cameras were rolling. He came up to me and hit me on the shoulder and we were now very close.

He he pointed at me. He says, I know my men. When I find them, you’re coming with me to the White House. And then he said, heaven willing, I will be in the white House and you’re coming with me. So I, I think he means it. And I’ve been in touch with his transition team, point man for Defense Department issues, related matters. I got on my resume and information they’ve asked for, it’s sitting at Mar-A-Lago right now.

Frank Gaffney
Fantastic. Well, not all I can say is, thanks be to God, because that’s the only way that would have happened. And I think so. Thank you for it. Thank you for your willingness to schlep across the country. Just to see what the Lord had in mind. Let me just ask you this because it, it goes to the heart of what you might yet have a chance to do.

The Marxists know what they’re doing, as you understand, better than just about anybody, certainly outside of the Marxist camp. Is it not conceivably too late for the United States military to be reformed? You couldn’t be more right that you’re going to have to be monitoring, you know, the people being pulled up the ranks. But those ranks have now been inseminated with people who’ve been going along to get along the starting, I would argue, with the joint chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a perfect example of a DEI proponent who has been elevated to the highest position in the military.

What are your thoughts about, what if you were in the Trump White House or the Trump Pentagon? You could do to, scramble these eggs?

Matt Lohmeier
There have been many months in the past couple of years where I’ve been totally discouraged at that. The path that we’re on to the point where I think, I don’t know if it’s possible to reclaim what’s happened here in this short period of time and what administration really. It’s been multiple administrations, but I’ve had a glimmer of hope for the first time after that interaction, and because of the response of our troops to seeing that interaction, on stage, I have been flooded with my phone’s been blowing up for 72 hours, and there are people that I haven’t talked to for many years reaching out to assure me they’re the good guys.

First off, it’s like, okay, now you’re my friend right now. Everyone wants to be my friend. It was too of it was too scary to reach out showing support when, the Biden Harris regime was firmly implanted. But there’s the sense that many people have that, hey, the tide might be changing. And and maybe there’s maybe there’s some hope that we might turn some things around and they’re reaching out, wanting to. They’re applying for jobs with me, and I be on the task force, to hire them. And so I think people sense hope. And that’s that’s really positive because maybe, maybe there’s some time that we can buy, maybe there’s some change that can be introduced. Some things can be quick, quickly fixed within, like the first day.

Frank Gaffney
It starts with leadership. And I ask you to hold the thought and we’ll come back to it on the other side of this final break with Matthew Longmire, a lieutenant colonel, no longer a in the military, but we’ll see where he’s going next. Stay tuned for more right after this.

Welcome back. We are having a fascinating conversation with one of the men I admire most. With a military background. His name is Matthew Longmire. He served as a, among other things, a lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force Space Command. And we’re going to talk in a moment about what’s the status of our space capabilities. But before we do, Matt, just to round out the conversation we just had about, your extraordinary, truly providential conversation with Donald Trump, and the hope that you sense people are beginning to feel that there may be a change, that there may be fresh leadership.

Is it enough, do you think, to allow this thing to be turned around?

Matt Lohmeier
Well, there are some things that you can fix very quickly in a matter of a day or a week. Things by executive order. You can abolish CRT and DNI trainings and agencies.

Frank Gaffney
And that’s critical. And then the diversity, equity, inclusion, the catch words for these, Marxist programs. Yeah.

Matt Lohmeier
Yes, yes. You know, one thing that President Trump could take care of on day one, for example, is to make sure that there are no more, purple braided, rope wearing cadet, dye czars at the US Air Force Academy or at any of our other military service academies. Those positions go away in an instant. The problem is, is that it takes time to regain the trust of the American people.

It takes time to, properly, incentivize young men and women who are capable and who are patriots to, to think that they are interested in serving their country. Again, we’ve so damaged our reputation and it extends beyond that. It takes time to to repair our relationships with our allies and our, the perceptions that our enemies have of us on the world stage.

Frank Gaffney
Right. All of those are hugely important, needless to say. Well, your leadership could be incalculably important, so I’m appreciative of your willingness to serve if the opportunity presents itself. Yeah. I want to talk about the last portfolio that you had for a moment, that you, served in a command position in the nascent U.S. Space Force.

You have an appreciation for, the threats that we now face in and from space. They are real. Chances are, I think very high. That is, in the event there is conflict with the Chinese Communist Party and or its friends. It will involve, war in space. I did want to give you an opportunity, both to comment on that, but maybe for starters, to talk about one of the other jobs that Vice President Kamala Harris had, as vice president, namely as the chairman of the National Space Council.

Yeah, hugely important position, especially against that backdrop. What do you know about how she comported herself in that role? And, whether she’s fit to be commander in chief, especially, guard of the space threat?

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah. We don’t talk about this in mainstream media. I suppose there’s a thousand things we could talk about, and we only get to the fact that she’s a failed borders. Which they’ve even denied. She was in charge of the National Space Council is an exceptionally important, counsel that was resurrected by the Trump administration. There was, a director of the National Space Council there in the Trump administration.

I think it was stood up again in 2017. It had been disbanded since the Clinton administration, 1993, when we were really taking space seriously up until the end of the Cold War, the Trump administration, research institutes, or Reestablishes, the national Space Council, and they’re meeting, semi frequent. They’re the meeting frequently quarterly, in fact, to figure out the state of the threat and space and to advise the president of the United States and how we ought to be shaping our policy in order to respond to China, the China threat and the Russia threat in space.

Kamala Harris is the chair of the National Space Council, which during the last four years has met three times. And I hear two of those three times was to discuss how we further advance the DTI, the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda in our space exploration and military space programs, which was a joke to those who are currently sitting on the council.

And another third time was for a photo op that lasted ten minutes. They have not taken the space threat seriously at all. China, on the other hand, has been steadily marching to a 50 year plan that includes, military supremacy from the space domain. They’ve sent, several of their landers to the far side of the moon, near where there’s water ice, which is absolutely vital resource for the further development of space, space manufacturing capabilities and a military threat from space.

The United States has backed far away since since the Biden-Harris regime came to power from its serious attitude towards the China threat in space. It’s a big problem, and she’s not fit to be a commander in chief who doesn’t take that threat seriously.

Frank Gaffney
Amen. Let me just ask you, Am I correct in your estimation that, the Chinese in particular, but the Russians as well, and they’re they’re partnered up, but we forget they are part of our viewing space as just another theater of military operations, and one that is absolutely essential to the United States military’s terrestrial operations. If they can gain dominance there, set aside Mars or even the moon for that matter. But just in the, you know, high altitude orbit, they can, in fact, materially degrade our military’s capability, can they not? So you can’t can there be any other recourse to this, but to take this matter with the utmost seriousness.

Matt Lohmeier
The creation of the US Space Force, which was a congressional act, but it was championed by Donald Trump, have been a bipartisan, supported issue for many years. They thought Trump would kill it when he got excited about the idea, in fact, made it happen. And there was bipartisan support for this idea precisely because China and Russia and partnering in that arena had become such a threat to the United States and our national security, that we thought a separate branch of the military ought to be exclusively focused on both the budget and the development of, our of national security space, our economic, prospects in and through space.

And so you’re absolutely right in suggesting that that’s something that deserves our utmost attention. China has been taking it seriously, even when we are not. It’s tends to meet its goals, and it tends to stay on task and meet its timeline objectives. And we have not. We were supposed to have them back on the moon in 2024 under the Trump pence, policy that was shifted now to 2026.

My suspicion is if Trump doesn’t end up back in office, it’ll it’ll forever be off the table. Why does it matter? That’s a conversation for another day, but we’re not taking it seriously enough.

Frank Gaffney
A conversation for another day. It’s another place in which a few are back inside the military in some form or fashion. Matt, I know you will make an outsized contribution as well. We look forward to further visits with you and all of this. My friend. Thank you for taking some time. I know how busy you are now that you’re, a rock star. And, the Donald Trump world. But, we’ll look forward to it.

Matt Lohmeier
We’ll see what happens if.

Frank Gaffney
You have a chance. Yeah. Please, God. Thank you, thank you. Come back to us soon. I hope the rest of you do the same next time. Until then, go forth and multiply.


A revolutionary campaign that no longer hides its aims

By Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, former USSF /USAF, USAFA ’06
via Twitter

THERE IS AN ONGOING WAR being waged by domestic enemies against the United States military that is far more destructive than any threat we are facing from our foreign adversaries!

Military senior leaders are ceaselessly waging a politically and culturally subversive campaign against our men and women in uniform.

There is no doubt that men and women of character will continue to lose their motivation to serve and will leave the service.

And there is no end in sight to our recruiting troubles. Senior leaders and decisionmakers who pretend to care about solving our recruiting and retention problems without first abandoning this activist agenda are only fooling themselves.

The memorandum below, which was just signed on 13 May 2024, admonishes servicemembers to celebrate and honor the lifestyle and contributions of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers.

You may think this is nothing new, but the energy and directness of the agenda is only growing stronger each month, and the activists who wage the campaign are more brazen than ever.

False spirits who thrive on division and destruction seem to animate our every move.

The memorandum honors “the strength” and “progress” that “activists” have brought to the force.

The memorandum “empowers commanders” to “organize” activities for their bases.

It is a revolutionary campaign that no longer needs to hide its aims. It employs all of the right revolutionary language.

It is Marxist-rooted DEI at its best. It is evil.

If you are in uniform, now is the time for you to speak up against this agenda as if the life of your country depends on it, because it does.

If you are a military leader and you understand firsthand the deleterious influence of this leftist activism perpetrated by our Defense Department, then speak up now or accept that you are a damned coward and accomplice.

Feigned kindness in the face of evil is only foolishness.

Tolerance of this revolutionary spirit at this critical hour is little short of treasonous.

Cowardice is the opposite of faith and love.

“While at @7thForces, I had a transgender superior officer (a Green Beret) who was a biological male identifying as a female. To avoid violating my conscience, but to avoid adverse action, I referred to him by rank & last name.

Altho I survived this (tho I would later suffer for refusing the COVID VAX) it is becoming harder & harder for service members to avoid affirming woke ideology without facing punishment, all while these policies are destroying the lethality & readiness of the force.

I urge all service members to follow their consciences, to do the right thing no matter what, & to resist this woke nonsense. We took an oath to support & defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign & domestic, & were prepared to offer our lives to do so.

Make no mistake, this false doctrine is a domestic threat & greater than any external threat we currently face.”