Lohmeier: DEI is Crushing Military Morale and Readiness

Matthew Lohmeier was recently interviewed on the Brian Thomas Morning radio show about his book and the problem of the radical DEI agenda in the military.


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Hi, It’s Brian Thomas, 55 Carsey Morning Show. Happy to welcome to the 55 Carsey Morning Show Matthew Lohmeier. He is a 2006 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. He started his active duty military career as a pilot, flew over twelve hundred hours and a T-38 as an instructor pilot after followed by the F-15C.

After flying, he cross trained into space operations: first in a space based missile warning October twenty twenty, he transferred to the United States Space Force. He’s got two Masters agree and a Military Operations Art and Science, Masters of Philosophy and Military Strategy, and up until recently it was a Lieutenant colonel at command of the Space Based Missile Warning Squadron in Colorado.

Welcome to the fifty five Ksey Morning Show. Now retired, Matthew Lohmeier, author of,  came out in 2021, but still so very important Irresistible Revolution: Marxism Goal of Conquest, and the Unmaking of the American Military.

Matthew, it is a pleasure to have you on the program. And what a scary title that is.

It is a scary title, very deliberately written, and I’m happy to join you.

Well, we’ve got a lot of military families in the listening audience. I do everything I can in my power on the radio to help out veterans and veterans causes, and so you’re going to sell a lot of these books, and rightfully so. DEI in the military.

I’ve been reading about it for years. I’ve had my I’ve got military folks currently serving and have recently served or retired talking about what a problem is all the resources thrown at DEI issues, and mostly the E is the problem.

They’re promoting people from outside the normal channels of the ranks, and people who are qualified getting pushed back to the side, and having folks promoted above those that are qualified merely because they fill the blank in on certain DEI related issues. I mean, that’s just not right.

That’s got to be terrible from morale. And what’s that got to do, if I may be so bold, Matthew Lohmeier, what has that got to do with killing people and breaking things, which is the primary goal of the military.

Well, you’re absolutely right that the E in DEI is a tremendous problem. But the diversity part is also a problem because what they pretend to aspire to is some kind of authentic diversity. What they really mean by that is race based quotas, and it destroys the merit based system that we need in a lethal and ready fighting force.

In the United States military, we’ve always had and prized a merit based selection and promotion process, and instead the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda effectively destroys that merit.

And so you’re absolutely right. It is debilitating of the morale, the good order and discipline of our troops, and it’s undermining our readiness and lethalities. Of course, well is looking at your subtitle Marxism goal of conquest in the unmaking American military.

That’s the goal, isn’t it to ruin morale and reduce the numbers of people willing to volunteer for an all volunteer military.

Yeah, your listeners are going to be well aware of the fact that for decades now the universities have been plagued with Marxist ideology, Marxist thought. The overarching aim of my book that I had written really at the time immediately following the transition from President Trump to the current administration.

The aim of the book is to clearly show that all of the diversity and inclusion trainings, the vocabulary, and the agenda first and foremost is rooted in Marxist revolutionary thought, and that it’s finally made its way out of the universities and elsewhere into the uniform services.

That it’s dividing our troops, it’s hitting people against one another and therefore crushing morale and readiness, and it’s also having a terrible impact on a recruiting and retention efforts, which is why we’re having abysmal recruiting rates and not meeting our goals.

And ultimately it’s a warning to the American people and to our service members and to senior defense officials that unless we abandon this divisive path that is part of the deliberately a part of the diversity and inclusion agenda, it will unfortunately lead to violence because of the visceral emotional response that people have for one another when they genuinely start to believe in these ideas that they’re not those ideas which include that the like, for example, the police are inherently racist.

That’s a BLM philosophy, and of course the BLM folks were admittedly Marxist. That’s one of the tenets of the legs of Marxist philosophy is to undermine our belief in and our respect for the military and the police.

Those are institutions which are directly connected with the evil need to be overthrown capitalist system. They are a the muscle for the capitalists, and what we need to do is undermine there. Therefore, the capitalist system will fall as the military and the police system falls. I mean, that’s a goal they have.

It is a goal. In fact, I recently went to Minneapolis as a part of a film that I’m shooting that’s going to come out this fall, just prior to the election. I can’t yet say the name, but everyone should end up hearing about it.

And what I saw in Minneapolis that was the result of one terrible leadership for a number of years. But this kind of activism that is fraught with the diversity and inclusion agenda and initiatives and language vocabulary, is that it completely wrecks a city.

And I’ve seen what happened right there on George Floyd Square where there’s a memorial there, and in the city surrounding that area. And I’m telling you that the same thing is happening to the military, and a smaller scale to be sure, But it’s not just a criticism of the police force. And it is exactly that, just like you’ve mentioned.

I heard at my base, and other troops are hearing at their bases a criticism of America’s founders as white supremacists and racists, and a criticism of America’s founding values and principles that actually made us the priest and greatest country in history.

That is so heart wrenching to hear. Let me ask you this. I mean, we’re, as you pointed out, we’re all painfully aware that college education is now replete and filled with DEI and woke Marxist philosophy.

It’s been that way for a long time. We know it’s seeped its way in K through twelve education with the same kind of principles being taught to our young people, and that worked itself into the Department of Education. That is a concerted effort. You can do that when you have this unified, uh just basically one size fits all education system.

Here’s the curriculum. Teach every kid that how in God’s name, did this curriculum, this philosophy make it into America’s military right?

Well, at first it began with activism after the death of George Floyd. We had service members high and low that were activists, just like you saw in the news where cities are burning and police cars are being smashed and windows being smashed.

That same activism and a small scale began to spread its way through the military because the seeds had been planted and they’re in trainings over the number of course of a number of years.

But President Trump in September of twenty twenty attempted to end forever: the diversity and inclusion trainings that we were seeing in the United States military by executive order, and he did just that, and there was a several month reprieve from this kind of training.

But Joe Biden in this administration, on January twentieth of twenty twenty one, reverse President Trump’s executive order by executive fiat and brought back these diversity and inclusion trainings and agenda with a bang.

And of course, he selected a Secretary of Defense in Lloyd Austin that is very much in support of this agenda. He has a very different world view the most Americans, and he believes in the oppressor versus oppressed narrative of human events that was taught by Marx and Engels one hundred and fifty plus years ago in the Communist Manifesto.

And these guys, through policy, expect these trainings and trainings to fill the military workplace. We’ve even had superintendents that are military service academy, such as the Air Force Academy, my own alma mater, say that they’re going to fill the university there, the Military Service Academy with diversity, equity and inclusion, in every nook and cranny of that service academy.

We need to eliminate poor leadership in the next administration. We need to make sure that we completely abolish all of these DEI policies, and we need to get our military back on track, which is my foremost concern, although it’s infecting every other federal agency as well as we’ve recently seen and are seeing in the headlines today as of yesterday and the day before well, and obviously that is a problem that’s not going to go anyway soon given the size, scope and inability to fire anybody in the administrative state.

But and you made a great point in bringing up Donald Trump in his efforts to get rid of this, which you’ve said, we’re successful at least for a short period of time.

As commander in chief, he essentially is the Department of Education when it comes to the curriculum in the military.

Right, can he eliminate this if Donald Trump is elected president again and turn the ship around. Yeah, that’s an important, or I should say critical part of fixing the problem. It’s getting the right commander in chief in and ensuring that we’ve got both corrective policy in place, and also selecting the right leaders the right oversight committees to make sure that and I’m not talking about Congress, I’m talking about they’re actually both congressionally mandated as well as executive a point of positions that provide oversight of our military service academies to ensure these kinds of things go away and go away fast.

But of course, cultural change doesn’t necessarily happen rapidly. It’s going to take time and concerted effort and courage from those that still wear the uniform of their country to speak up respectfully and say, hey, we disagree with what’s being taught. It’s against our values, it’s discriminating and makes it uncomfortable. It’s not inclusive. There’s no real diversity here. My viewpoint is denigrated.

I don’t see the authenticity and this approach, and I think if more and more people speak up about that, we’re far more likely to see the cultural change that we need. But it starts, indeed, with the right commander in chief setting the right policy. And unfortunately, because we’re so divided, that is what it comes down to at the moment.

But it would have been unthinkable two decades ago and three decades ago for any commander in chief to make policies that are deliberately apparently dividing our troops in uniform underscore what you just said, deliberately that’s the most frightening component of everything that we have talked about and everything that you talk about in your book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military by retired Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier.

I really wish your book was sort of like a warning about what could have happened or could happen, as opposed to the reality of what is currently happening. But you sound like you at least have some measure of optimism.

With a different commander in chief and different policies, we can turn this ship around and head back in the right direction. God bless you, sir for the time you spell my listeners and meet this morning. The book itself, Irresistible Revolution, which my listeners can get at my blog page fifty five KRC dot com. I will strongly encourage them to do that and share it with every single one of their friends.

Thank you very much, been my pleasure.

Thanks again for your time and your service to our country and your continued service.

Matt Lohmeier is a 2006 graduate of the US Air Force Academy, flew  fighter jets and last served as a US Space Force Lt. Colonel in space-based missile warning. He’s now a consultant and public speaker warning America about Marxist ideology infecting the military. Matt is the author of the best-selling book “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.”

Matt also serves as the Executive Vice President of STARRS, an organization of US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI/Woke ideology and agenda infiltrating the military and seek to expose, stand up against, and eliminate it in order to keep our country safe.


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Matt Lohmeier is the Executive Vice President of STARRS: 

US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI/Woke ideology and agenda infiltrating the military and seek to expose, stand up against, and eliminate it in order to keep our country safe. STARRS.US

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