
STARRS Leaders on Supporting Pete Hegseth for SECDEF

Matthew Lohmeier joined other STARRS leaders on the Securing America show on Real America’s Voice network discussing why it’s important for Pete Hegseth to be the next Secretary of Defense.

1:27  STARRS Chairman Lt Gen Rod Bishop, USAF ret
10:53  STARRS Vice Chairman Maj. General Joe Arbuckle, USA ret
20:37  STARRS Executive Vice President Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, former USAF/USSF
31:44  STARRS President Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret



Frank Gaffney

Welcome to Securing America with me, Frank Gaffney, the program that’s a owners manual for protecting the country we love against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to the glory of God and his Kingdom. I’m very pleased to say that we have an important development. That is a meeting that is taking place, well, Telethon, we call it, for the United States Senate, organized by our Save America’s military coalition.

We have a very distinguished company, including several people from whom you will be hearing momentarily, about the state of the United States military and the urgent need not only for a man of Pete Hegseth’s ability and vision to be the next Secretary of Defense, but also for military officers in all of the services who have been associated with the disastrous policies that have wrought such harm, as we’ll be discussing on our armed forces, be removed, relieved of their duties and replaced by warriors who understand that there is one mission, as we’ll talk about with our first guest, and that is winning the nation’s wars.

That guest is Lieutenant General Rod Bishop, United States Air Force Retired. He served with great distinction in uniform, both as a pilot as well as a senior commander, notably of US Air Forces in Europe.

He is these days the chairman of a tremendous organization called STARRS. That stands for Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services. General, I am so pleased to have you with us, and for this interview with you to be a contribution to that telethon later today. If people want to get the full content of that, I hope they will go to Save America’s Military dot org. General, welcome. I know you’ve given a lot of thought to this. You’ve been working very hard on it at stars and in other capacities. Thank you for joining us. Give us your readout on what’s ailing America’s military today what we need to do about it, sir.

Rod Bishop

Well, thanks again for having me on your show once again, Frank, and Happy New Year to you and all your viewers and listeners. You know, as STARRS has been at this for almost half a decade now, we We’ve been calling out this Marxist invasion and just telling people how divisive it is. The last time I was on your show, I shared with your audience just a number of first-hand accounts of how people who are experiencing this indoctrination felt about it. I’m going to skip that today and just refer your viewers and listeners to our website, STARRS.US. There they will find over 2,000 different accounts of people just telling us how divisive this ideology is.

Instead, I’d like to concentrate on just three simple things about what used to be known as critical race theory, got a bad rap, now known as diversity diversity, equity, inclusion, nicer sounding words. And those three things simply are number one. It’s rooted in Marxism. You know what? I tell people that they just shrug their shoulders sometimes and shake their head, eyes roll, and I say, okay, well, if it didn’t come from Herbert Marcuse and his fellow Marxists who set up the Marxist School, name changed later to the Frankfurt School at Frankfurt, Germany, and brought that over to Columbia University, of all places, escaping Nazi Germany, then where did it come from?

Nobody’s ever suggested a different origin. And isn’t it ironic when you stop and think that we, as America, spent almost 100,000 lives fighting this ideology in Korea and Vietnam alone and spent trillions of our national treasury. And here we are, letting it right in the front door. It’s just crazy. It is very definitely a domestic enemy that every officer takes an oath to swear and support the Constitution, support and defend the Constitution against. Number two, the intent is to divide, and it does so just by splitting people up into little identity groups, mostly on race, sometimes on gender and religion. Identity politics on steroids, one Air Force Academy cadet called it to me.

Number three, as an instrument of division, it’s working. Consider, if it wasn’t being divisive, then why would the corporate world, Toyota, Ford, Tractor Supply, Jack Daniels, Coors, Harley Davidson, John Deere, Walmart, and Boeing all have walked away or scrapped their DEI programs recently. 28 states as well have joined in the fray, so to speak, and have either passed legislation or have legislation pending severely curtailing their DEI programs. And tens of universities consider this from the New York Times of all sources, the Old Gray Lady reports that the University of Michigan’s Uber Woke program, the largest DEI bureaucracy of any public university, has not only helped build a culture of grievance, but that has boosted racial tension and deepened division.

It has made the entire campus miserable. Need we say more? So where are we? The incoming administration is telling us that the military is going to be next up for this cleansing. And I can tell you that the STARRS leadership can suggest and recommend no one better than Pete Hegseth to take on that mission. He is a warrior himself. He’s deployed, guarding the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, fighting the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan. And he has such a deep understanding about this. He’s written two books, Battle for the American Mind and the War on Warriors.

STARRS is just so proud of Pete, the work he’s done in this world in this arena. And we’re also proud to have been associated with him for the last several years, sharing with him some of the just horrible examples and stories that people serving have shared with us that made The War on Warrior is such a powerful book. So just as DEI plunged a knife into the heart and soul of what should be or what is behind the success of every military operation, and that’s unity and cohesiveness. Now, let’s take that knife, cut out the cancer, and return our military to what it’s supposed to be all about.

So if we, as a nation, want to see retention and recruiting, those challenges disappear. STARRS strongly recommends that the United States Senate confirm Pete as their next Secretary of Defense. He’s the warrior. And we’ll watch him return our military to the merit-based organization that it is, focused on unity, not divisiveness, focused on readiness and its mission of fighting our nation’s wars not participating in the social justice wars that have swept our nation.

Frank Gaffney

General, that’s a brilliant and I think extremely accurate assessment of where the military is. Could you just speak to one other related point, sir? And that is whether people who, like you, were promoted to very senior positions in the United States military, but who have, under the Obama administration or the Biden, well, I call it the Obama 3.0 administration, embraced these cultural Marxist policies and practices. Can safely be kept in their current positions running America’s armed forces.

Rod Bishop

Well, you have to be careful here, Frank. I mean, you might fire some people at the top and get someone who’s been more indoctrinated right below them to take their place. So believe it or not, STARRS was asked, or I was asked back in March, how best to handle that. And there are some I think that we can obviously let go because they’re just total ideologs. Others, what we have suggested is that there be a board by service that takes a look. You have a heart to heart conversation. Can you show them where the administration is going and say, this is in opposition of what you said? I mean, can you can you accept this? Will you implement the President’s strategy? That’s a tough question to answer.

Frank Gaffney

Okay. But I think a formal process that does do this on a case by case basis makes a lot of sense. I hope you’ll be very much involved in it. General Rod Bishop, thank you for being with us today and for the great work you do at stars for this contribution to our program. We’ll be right back, folks.

Welcome back, and a very, very special and heartfelt welcome to our next guest. His name is Major General Joe Arbuckle. He has served with great distinction in the United States Army prior to his retirement, so much so that he is in not one, not two, not three but four different service-related Halls of Fame for his expertise and service in various capacities, notably as a logistician in the army. We know how important that mission is, as is, in fact, other attributes that General Arbuckle exemplifies, such as prizing, duty, honor, and country, as well as the warrior ethos.

He is the driving force behind a terrific organization or informal pickup team, if you will, called Flag Officers for America. It has recently mustered out to support the nomination of Pete Hegseth to be the next Secretary of Defense. As part of our special coverage of this important nomination in the United States Senate, and in connection with a telethon, we’re conducting under the banner of the Save America’s Military Coalition. This afternoon, as we speak, we asked General Arbuckle to make a contribution to both our program here, Securing America, as well as that telethon in connection with this letter.

I asked him to speak about that, of course, but also just give us a little bit of background on the nature of the flag officers and general officers who have come together as part of this really extraordinary group. General, it’s great to have you back, sir. Welcome once again.

Joe Arbuckle

Thank you very much, Frank, for your kind words and for your friendship. You’re a great American patriot, and thanks for doing this. It’s my pleasure to be here. Flag Officers for America is just basically a team. It’s not an organization. I’m the volunteer informal leader of that group, and periodically, our little team will put together letters that are addressing issues that are very, very important to our national defense. We’ve done six of those in the last four years.

Most recently is the one that you commented on about supporting Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense. Last month, on the sixth of December, we did a press release announcing that open letter. To date, there’s 137 retired generals and admirals that have signed that letter supporting Pete. So that’s very significant. And today, as you indicated, I’ll talk a little bit about what’s in that letter and why we’re supporting Pete. The first point I want to make about Pete, and it’s obvious if you listen to him, is that he’s extremely passionate about our country. He loves our country, he loves our military, and he loves the men and women who serve in uniform, as well as their families who also sacrifice.

Add to that, all the veterans who have served over many, many years. So Pete’s all about the military. He really proved that in a decision he made after he graduated from Princeton, an Ivy League College. He had a great future ahead of him. He could have made a ton of money in the private sector, but he chose to give that up and instead enlisted in the Army National Guard and serve over many, many years. As General Bishop indicated earlier, he was first at Guantanamo Bay, and then he deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, where he served as an infantry officer on the ground, engaged in ground combat against terrorists.

And so, Pete has that grassroots experience under his belt which will be extremely valuable as Secretary of Defense because it’s a recent experience. It’s not an old experience. He’s got that tie to the military, men and women. Another important point about Pete, and he pledges this all the time, is to eradicate diversity, equity, and inclusion from our military. Pete’s an extremely intelligent guy, and on his own, he took it upon himself to study what it’s all about. He understands the linkage between DEI and critical race theory and how that relates to Marxism.

It’s all about dividing people, putting them into identity groups and pitting them against each other. Well, that’s divisive. That’s exactly the opposite of what our military is all about. Pete understands that. He’s it as a leader.

That can be exemplified through something we call the one team, one fight battle motto, where everybody on the team, all the way down from the foxhole level to the very top, is dedicated to mission and a common purpose, one mission, one purpose. And that is the focus along with the focus on the team itself, not any individual or not any identity group based upon something like race or gender or any sexual orientation. It’s all about the team and team success in fulfilling the mission.

In order to do that, they must have total trust and confidence in each other to be a successful team and be cohesive. And unity is what that means. And diversity, equity, and inclusion, Pete understand, tears at the heart and soul of that one team, one fight battle motto. So that’s his first priority, is to get rid of, eradicate DEI from the military. And that’s a monumental task. He’s up to that task.

He understands it like no one else that’s running for that job. He’s also dedicated, Frank, to putting our military back on track to focus only on combat readiness actions, to be prepared to fight and win our nation’s wars. That’s why we have a military. In order to do that, we have to focus on combat readiness and get rid of all these distractions, these social experiments that come with DEI, et cetera. He’s dedicated to do that. Also, he’s talked about increasing lethality of our military and our armed forces, which is necessary.

Finally, Pete has talked about something few people have been talking about recently, and that’s accountability for our actions. Now, throughout my career, and when you were in and everybody else, we’ve always associated three things for leaders. One is seeking responsibility and taking responsibility for their actions, and then with that, giving them the commensurate authority to do the job, to meet those responsibilities, and finally, holding them accountable for doing the job. Now, that’s been missing to a large degree recently in our military, as evidenced by, for example, the DOD failing seven audits in a row. That’s his focus. President Trump has selected Pete.

He had a ton of talented people he could choose from, but he wants Pete to go into that capacity as Secretary of Defense because he knows Pete will fulfill his mandate to return our military to what it’s all about and get rid of the distractions.

Frank Gaffney

General, what a superb characterization, both of the man and what distinguishes him from many other choices, but also why he is needed so urgently at this time. Maybe just a further word from you on the need, if I could. This is a juncture when, as you know, sir, we are facing some very, very serious threats, including a new DOD report talking about the Chinese military buildup as one we’ve not seen the likes of since Adolf Hitler’s. Just a quick minute on how important it is that we get the military in shape for shape.

Joe Arbuckle

Yeah, sure. Well, a few points there real quick. We have the smallest military today, Frank, than we’ve had before World War II. It’s the smallest since World War II, the late 1930s. That’s tragic in face of what’s going on with China right now, as you know, and also Russia or Ukraine, Iran seeking nuclear weapons, all of its proxy wars going on throughout the Middle East and other places. So, yes, it’s absolutely critical that we have a military that’s capable enough to deter China from the enough that you’re talking about. And if deterrence fails, then to fight and win. That’s been recognized in many studies here recently.

Frank Gaffney

Thank you, General. We have to leave it at that, I’m afraid. This is an important time and an important contribution from Flag Officers for America. I cannot thank you enough for your leadership of that group and for its service and yours, which continues so admirably today. Thank you, sir. Come back to us again with updates on this, if you would, sir.

We’re back. And what a treat to be able to say we have another contributor to the telethon we’ll be recording later today as we speak. His name is Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier. He is an extraordinary veteran, a patriot and a leader of men. It’s an honor for me to be able to call him a friend as well as a very valued colleague. He is these days the executive vice president of STARRS, to which you’ve been introduced previously. That stands again for Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services.

He knows a thing or two about it. He’s written a very important book about Marxism in the military. We’ll talk a little bit about that in the course of this segment. But I’m going to give him an opportunity to speak to not only this audience, but also to the United States Senate as to why Pete Hegseth is the right man for the job of Secretary of Defense at this particular moment in our nation’s history, especially. Colonel Lohmeier, welcome back. It’s great to have you with us once again, sir.

Matthew Lohmeier

I’m grateful be here with you, Frank, and grateful for your friendship as well. Let me open with a thought before we really dive into whatever else you might be interested in talking about. There’s been tremendous opposition from some corners to President Trump’s nomination of Pete Hegseth, the Secretary of Defense. Of course, there’s also been a tremendous show of support from the veteran community, and for good reason. President Trump has given Pete Hegseth a mandate to eliminate all distractions to lethality and warfighting in the military workplace.

The American people and our veteran community and our service members have seen far too much in the media over the past four years that looks like distraction. It has been a distraction to our troops, lethality and warfighting and readiness and our recruiting and retention to suffering also, as we’ve seen. Pete takes that very seriously.

As you mentioned, I wrote a book about cultural Marxism called Irresistible Revolution. I know the matter very well. I understand this impulse that has swept across the entire Defense Department and all federal agencies, quite frankly. It’s important at this juncture in American history that President Trump get a great pick for Secretary of Defense, frankly, all of his cabinet members.

He’s picked a great person to lead the Defense Department, who I think will take this mandate from President Trump to eliminate all distractions from the military workplace place. Seriously, that’s Pete Hegseth. I know Pete personally. I’ve spent time with Pete in person over the past couple of years for his program at Fox Nation Specials in Nashville on multiple trips. I know firsthand that Pete takes military culture very seriously. He is outspoken about these issues, as people have seen over the past couple of years. Of course, as people are talking about, he’s written at least two very powerful books that directly relate to this topic of distractions and education in the military workplace.

But I know firsthand that he takes this very seriously and that he is committed to carrying out President Trump’s mandate to eliminate those distractions. People on either side of the political aisle might have a problem with, pick your thing. But here’s someone that in a very real way at this juncture where we’re trying to eliminate distractions, this should not be a partisan issue. You should have Democrats and Republicans both lining up to support President Trump’s pick because you have someone who’s interested in focusing exclusively on warfighting.

I mean, that’s what our Defense Department is all about, and Pete Hegseth will certainly do that.

Frank Gaffney

This is a topic that I believe should be front and center in these kinds of considerations. When you look at what we saw in the military under the Biden team, with respect to what you’ve described as a distraction, a feature of it that I found particularly insidious was the idea that in order to enforce the cultural Marxist program, you need to have what I think only be described as political commissars attached to the various military units and commands and so on. Could you talk a little bit about that and how that fits into the cultural Marxist playbook?

Matthew Lohmeier

Yeah. In fact, what you’ll find if you even dip your toe into the waters of a study of, let’s say, 20th century Marxist revolutionary causes, you always have to establish an enforcing mechanism that is run by the state because people don’t naturally generally, in a majority, buy into the ideology that the state should control outcomes.

The diversity, equity, I’m going to focus on that for just a moment, and inclusion complex necessitates state involvement in ensuring an equality of outcomes. It’s in fact unjust. It is unequal. It is everything that is in opposition to the American ideal of liberty and merit, meritocracy. There’s no organization on earth that you to take meritocracy more seriously than the United States military.

We’ve seen these political commissars that you speak about at our military service academies. The most prominent example of this is at my alma mater, the US Air Force Academy. Fortunately, even before we had the election, I understand, the current superintendent, the new superintendent at the US Air Force Academy, has remarked that he’s interested in seeing the purple-braided, rope-wearing cadet political commissars be eliminated at the US Air Force Academy. That’s a huge step because he senses that this, at very least, is causing ripples culturally in the military and in the perceptions of the American people of our military.

We’re making the right step Perhaps President Trump and his pick for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, are absolutely critical to taking drastic measures early, aggressive measures early on to send shockwaves through the system and to eliminate all vestiges of this political commissar regime that we’ve seen over the past four years.

Frank Gaffney

Matt Lohmeier, again, in conjunction with your analysis of Marxism as a revolutionary enterprise, the strategy of dividing the units whose cohesion may be absolutely decisive in warfighting is not an accident, read, as they say, is it? That’s right. It’s part and parcel of it. From your personal experience in uniform, and I should say you were, I believe, relieved in part of command in the Space Forces arena, for your book and for your analysis, really, of what was afflicting the armed forces and has been even more today. Could you speak to this issue of what you personally saw in terms of a divide and conquer effect on our armed forces, that they were being subjected to these things that were perhaps distractions, but very calculated attacks as well on our military.

Matthew Lohmeier

Yes, I had troops coming to me while I was in command, unsolicited by me, complaining about the trainings that we were beginning to receive in force, in fact, after the Biden administration administration came to office. What people fail to remember is, and I’ve got an interview about this, as soon as I get off this call with you in this interview here, there’s another journalist who’s reached out to me, to your point. He says, Help me find some evidence that our military troops are actually being impacted by what you call diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings. I thought about that as a curiosity because there’s been such abundant evidence.

Let me say it this way. People fail to remember that these things don’t happen by accident. In fact, the Biden administration, on day one of its administration, through executive fiat, established in policy these diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings, after which the Secretary of Defense established, by way of policy, the necessity of diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings in every military unit, in every branch of the military. It’s not a question of whether they’re taking place. There might be a question about the frequency of these trainings and depending on who’s in command at any given base and the way in which they either protect their troops from these trainings or use their bully pulpit to magnify those trainings.

But I began to see it while I was in command. But it has been on steroids for the past four years. STARRS, the organization I’m executive vice president for, has compiled thousands of boots on the ground, eyewitness, anecdotal, to be sure, but eyewitnessed firsthand accounts of people that are very discouraged by these trainings that they’re experiencing in the military workplace.

When the policy is in place, and it is and has been for the past four years, there’s no escaping these trainings. There is not a unit you can go to, and I’m not overstating this, in the United States military, where you won’t at some point be subjected to a deliberately divisive, rooted in Marxist DEI training program, whether it’s a computer-based training or through some commander or some lesser flight commander or a platoon leader at some point who takes this agenda very seriously.

It is intended to focus on our accidentals, on our race, on our sex preferences, on our gender, and all of the things that actually typically divide Americans into various tribes that we try to eliminate from their psyche when they show up in basic training on day one in their boot camp.

You knock all of that out of the psyche the US military serviceman and servicewoman because you want them to be unified around a single purpose and a single identity. That’s all been destroyed very rapidly in the past four years. The thing I’m most excited about, about getting someone like Pete Hegseth in the seat, is that he’s so serious about eliminating those distractions from the military workplace. He will, under a policy of the Trump administration and through his own directives to the military, eliminate those distractions.

We will see the end of these diversity, equity, inclusion trainings in the first month or two of our next administration. Then the challenge is going to be establishing a mechanism of accountability so that we can actually ensure that it doesn’t return over the next four years.

Frank Gaffney

From your lips to God’s ears, Matt Lohmeier. We hope you’ll be a part of it. Thank you for your leadership and your comments today. God bless you.

Matthew Lohmeier

Thank you.

Frank Gaffney

I’m very pleased to say we have yet another of the principals in this wonderful organization, Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services. It’s President and CEO, retired Air Force Colonel Ron Scott. He is also an extraordinarily formidable monitor and analyst of what has been done to the United States military. We wanted him to make a contribution to the telethon and to our program here at Securing America about some of the problems that STARRS has encountered with respect to transparency or the lack thereof, and most especially a lack of accountability. Colonel, it’s good to have you with us, sir. Thank you for all you and your organization do. I’m going to turn the floor over to you for your comments, sir.

Ron Scott

Thanks, Frank. It’s an honor to be part of this session. What I want to emphasize today is the notion that a particular political faction in America is advancing a narrative or a series of narratives that don’t necessarily have to be true. And in the process, they have sublimated the importance of transparency and accountability.

So let me give you evidence to support that: Freedom of Information Act requests. We have Now, a little more than four years later, filed nearly 60 FOIA requests, 6-0 FOIA requests. Only one was answered within the 20-day statutory period. Only one of the 60. Judicial Watch has filed two lawsuits on our behalf, and they’re getting ready to file another one.

The big question we have is a lot of this information is pretty neutral politically. Why the resistance in releasing the documents and records we’re asking for? That makes the situation very suspicious, which leads me to two organizations that operated under the radar. The first was the Military Leadership Diversity Commission that was chartered in the National Defense 2009 National Defense Authorization Act. It was pushed by the Congressional Black Caucus without any debate. They stood up this commission, shared by a retired black four-star general, Lester Lyles.

In March of 2011, when they issued their final report, two things stood out. In the introduction, they were explicit about the importance of discriminating to achieve equity. Here, equity was a proportionate representation of minorities in the general officer ranks. The other admission was that assimilation was bad. It was dangerous because it subordinated subcultural differences. This was so contrary to the E Pluribus Unum, which made America the melting pot, where they truly embraced diversity, different ethnic backgrounds and nationalities to come together to be part of the American creed. They were explicit about that. That was March of 2011.

Five months later, the President issued an executive order August of 2011, establishing diversity and inclusion personnel and programs across the entire federal government. They demonstrated they could do this and get away with it with the Department of Defense. Now, they proliferated across the entire government.

Okay, years now passed. In 2020, the current Secretary of Defense realized that all of the recommendations in that commission were not implemented, so they stood up the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, again, headed up by the retired Black four-star General Lester Lyles. They have been deliberately discriminating. We had a representative at a December 2023 session, the only member from the public in attendance, and that got our attention.

Again, flying under the radar. In their May of 2024 session, we had 19 individuals signed up to attend in person. Three days before that event, they made an announcement that due to “unforeseen circumstances”, the session would be virtual only.

There was one particular presentation, and we watched it, recorded it. It was the diversity inclusion officer for the Central Intelligence Agency who reports directly to the director of the CIA. Admitted that they veto promotions for individuals that have not sufficiently embraced diversity inclusion.

So real quickly, on the COVID vaccine mandate, eight federal courts ruled that what the Defense Department was doing was in violation of public law, of informed consent and the religious freedom laws, et cetera, et cetera. We’ve taken on that issue.

The last thing I want to mention is that on December 17th, Congressman Laudermilk issued an interim report on the January Sixth oversight investigation. Very disturbing, very disturbing. No fanfare in the media.

So I want to close, Frank, with the notion that a professor at UC Berkeley symbolizes what’s happening here on the left. He’s written several books, one of them with the title Thinking Points.

It’s an instruction guide on how to shape the narrative, how to frame it. One of his axioms is that it’s the frame that matters. If facts fit great, if not, they’re irrelevant. He’s published another book called Moral Politics.

I will close with this notion. For those that have worn the uniform and keep saying that we have to be apolitical, what they really mean is we need to be non-partisan. The big difference. So if we’re apolitical, that means we’re also amoral, and we can’t afford to be amoral.

These service academies are developing leaders of character, characters based on a moral foundation, and so we’re losing it big time because we’re being deceived by members of the Left who control the narrative. And so I’ll close with that thought.

Frank Gaffney

Colonel, thank you. This is an extraordinarily important contribution to the program. I am very grateful to you, not least because I think what you’ve really laid out is the agenda that is being served here.

We’ve talked in various other places in the course of this program, and I’m sure we’ll in the telethon about symptoms, but the impetus behind it, whether it’s formally understood to be cultural Marxism or whether it’s a political Well, to use Barack Obama’s famous phrase, fundamental transformation of, yes, the military, most immediately, but also really other institutions of our government, and more to the point, the country itself.

It must be understood. If it is understood, I think by the vast majority of American people, certainly, I think the men and women in uniform, it will be resisted as well. That is very much what is needed.

We have to let you go, sir, but I hope this will be, again, just another of many conversations with you and the STARRS team. Thank you for the great work you all do. I know you’ll keep it up, and I look forward to our further collaborations in the telethon and beyond.




Lohmeier and Gray: Fighting for a Military That Has Found Itself Bursting with Marxist Ideology and Sitting at a Dangerous Juncture

By J. M. Phelps  |  Gateway Pundit

On Jan. 20, 2025, President-elect Donald Trump will inherit a U.S. military plagued with force readiness, recruiting, and retention issues. A conglomerate of factors played into the breakdown of each issue.

Notable contributions included the infiltration of cultural Marxism, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ideology into the force, as well as the tyrannical enforcement of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s now-rescinded 2021 military shot mandate.

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Matt Lohmeier, Executive Vice President of Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS), and a former Space Force commander who was relieved of his duties in 2021 for comments about diversity and wokeness in the military.

The author of Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military explained, “The way in which Marxism has infiltrated the United States military has been largely subversively, just like it did originally in the university setting.”

Lohmeier said, “It then came far more directly in the form of diversity and inclusion trainings that are steeped in critical race theory, which teach our service members to view one another based on accidentals.”

According to him, these accidentals include but are not limited to race, ethnic, and gender identities.

For him, “There’s no better strategy that someone might come up with to destroy a military than to divide it and then conquer it.”

He warned, “Marxism never parades around as Marxism, but employs a different vocabulary to mask what’s being weaponized against the troops.”

“Genuine diversity and inclusion are not bad in and of themselves, but when divisive agendas get attached to those words then they are used to destroy unity,” he shared.

“Adding insult to injury, even as the unity of our armed forces has begun to crumble, so has the military’s long history of merit-based selections, because in order to achieve the aims of the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda, a quota-based system is required.”

“While the military has been very careful to stay away from the term quotas, using other terms instead,” Lohmeier pointed out that “when terms like ‘force planning or force shaping’ are used, it means nothing less than that we have quotas.”

As a result, merit-based selection has suffered greatly through the years.

Nic Gray, a former non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and CEO of Uniformed Services Justice & Advocacy Group (USJAG), agreed. One of his primary concerns is that the military has failed to uphold its long history of merit-based selection.

He told The Gateway Pundit, “The military has unequivocally lost focus on the foundational elements of its success: unit cohesion, discipline, and readiness. Merit-based selection has been abandoned, leading to a significant erosion of true diversity.”

In addition, he pointed out that recruitment standards have been “undeniably lowered,” and retention is “clearly on a negative trajectory.”

While people often focus on the recruiting issue, Gray warned, “Retention must be at the forefront of our concerns.”

He noted, “Service members are resolutely choosing to terminate their careers early to escape entanglement with political or societal ideologies they view as fundamentally damaging to the military’s core values and operational effectiveness.”

Lohmeier agreed, pointing out that “all too often, some of our most talented leaders throw in the towel and retire early.”

“We still have great leaders all throughout and in every branch of the military, but many are quite discouraged,” he said, explaining “They’re discouraged by the abandonment of the meritocracy of the United States military and by overt political shifts in military culture, making many feel less valued somehow because they don’t fit a certain race or sex-based demographic.”

“When someone like that steps aside and goes quietly into the civilian world, you’d hope that the person that’s going to fill his shoes in a leadership capacity is the second best, but that’s not always the case,” Lohmeier offered. “But when this is not the case, you start to fill some of those positions with people that frankly shouldn’t be in a leadership position.”

And according to Gray, the ‘double negative’ scenario of substandard non-commissioned officers leading substandard recruits” fosters a toxic environment.”

This not only undermines force readiness but also jeopardizes national security in his opinion. “Such a cycle adversely affects both recruitment and retention, leading to a generational disillusionment with the prospect of military service,” he lamented.

‘The U.S. Military is at a Dangerous Juncture’

Gray said he “clearly recognizes” the abandonment of merit-based selection and the threat it has on USJAG’s mission to advocate for injured service members who are abusively and fraudulently discharged.

Emphasizing the role of commissioned officers in the discharge process, he said, “It is crucial for people to recognize that fraudulent discharges are primarily being sanctioned and executed by mid-level officers, whose primary motivation appears to be career advancement through promotion.

In other words, he said, “It’s ego and profit-driven at the expense of a fellow brother or sister.”

He explained, “Promotions are partially contingent upon force readiness, assessed by deployable status, with a goal of maintaining a 95 percent benchmark.”

According to him, “Mid-level officers, aware that injured service members are eating up scarce resources that could otherwise support healthy and deployable personnel, are resorting to fraudulent means to discharge these individuals.” For many, he said, it’s considered “a death sentence.”

“Laws are not being followed, [and] the rights of service members are being violated,” Gray lamented. “The new administration must address the unlawful discharges plaguing the military, because it’s been deliberate and injured service members have been the subject of total malfeasance for far too long.”

Injured service members have the right to heal, return to service, or receive medical retirement.

“Fraudulent discharges not only harm the individual but also their families and communities, adversely affecting recruitment, retention, and national security,” Gray shared. “The Department of Defense must not continue to self-regulate.”

“When one gets a glimpse beneath the surface of the Department of Defense and uncovers the pervasive issue of fraudulent discharges, it becomes clear that this could be argued as the most egregious scandal in the department’s history,” Gray argued. “The Department has failed miserably to play judge, jury, and executioner.”

For Gray, the solution is clear: “Implement third-party oversight in the discharge process of injured service members to safeguard their rights and ensure compliance with Congressional mandates.”

According to Lohmeier, “The U.S. military is at a dangerous juncture at the moment, because even with a new administration and a potential Secretary of Defense who wants nothing less than to prioritize warfighting, lethality, readiness and recruiting, you can’t fix certain problems overnight, [as] it takes a long time to generate a seasoned leader.”

“For this breed of military leaders currently in place, however, it needs to be very clear to them that their chain of command won’t put up with some of that old political activism that may have gotten them so excited in the past four years,” he asserted.

For the former Space Force commander, “It’s time to abandon partisan politics and simply focus on the lethality of the force and the mission.”

First published on Gateway Pundit


Space Force commander vows to end DEI training in military after being fired for criticizing Marxist CRT/DEI agenda in DOD

By Rob Waugh  |  The Daily Mail

A former space commander is on a mission to root out DEI training so American soldiers ‘can simply be focused on warfighting in a relatively apolitical workplace.’

Lt Col Matt Lohmeier led the 11th Space Warning Squadron in the Space Force in 2020 before being fired a year later for criticizing the Biden-Harris administration agenda, which also resulting in a loss of pension.

But last month Lohmeier was surprisingly rehired by Donald Trump.

The position came during a rally in North Carolina where Lohmeier thanked the now elect-president for saying that he ‘would fire those few woke generals who are a big problem.’

He then asked Trump if he would ‘setup a special task force office or position to ensure that these monsters never return to the Defense Department.’

Trump instantly responded: ”They’re gone! I’m gonna put you on that task force.’

Lohmeier told that the encounter was ‘unscripted and unplanned.’ ‘I didn’t know at the time what that meant,’ he said.

‘I didn’t know if I’d simply join a larger team of people working on it, if I’d be put in charge of a task force, and I suppose all of that remains to be seen, and there’s nothing to say about it publicly just yet.’

He is now thinking of ways, ‘in which I might get involved in trying to restore accountability in the military and to eliminate the DEI diversity equity, inclusion training I was critical of. ‘

Lohmeier believes the Trump-Vance administration will energize the Space Force, driving cooperation with private enterprise in space exploration and the return to the moon.

In the wake of his encounter with Trump, he revealed that many troops in uniform have since reached out to him – including former colleagues in the Space Force.

‘They are very excited about the change in the administration and about the potential for the new Secretary of Defense,’ Loheimer said.

‘They’ve expressed excitement about, hopefully, a return to a simple sole focus on warfighting and not about politics and race discussions and political activist agendas.’

Lohmeier was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Space Force in the summer of 2020, and the aftermath of George Floyd’s death and the dawn of the Black Lives Matter.

He described the events as ‘a period of unrest where activists and political agitators and race hustlers used a man’s death as an event that they could leverage for their revolutionary political purposes.’

Lohmeier highlighted that the impact on military culture was visible and ‘immediate’.

‘You had leaders in uniform, as well as young followers in uniform, seizing that politically fraught moment for purposes of their own political worldview, purposes of spreading their own political worldview,’ he said.

‘You had, for example, at my base, a base commander, a colonel who is black, say things to his troops, like, ‘No one at my base will stand in the way of the Black Lives Matter movement.’ Well, of course, at once that was terribly polarizing.

‘I saw the demonization of the sitting commander-in-chief by that same base commander.

‘It’s illegal in the military to publicly criticize, especially from your official capacity, your sitting commander-in-chief or your chain of command.

‘I recognized that a lot of the roots of our current social justice activism were found in Marxist thought and ideology.’

Lohmeier wrote a formal complaint and was dismissed from Space Force during the transition to the Biden administration.

His book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military,’ was published in May 2021.

Lohmeier appeared on a podcast to promote the book and said: ‘

‘The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military…is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism.

‘Since taking command as a commander about 10 months ago, I saw what I consider fundamentally incompatible and competing narratives of what America was, is and should be.

‘That wasn’t just prolific in social media, or throughout the country during this past year, but it was spreading throughout the United States military. And I had recognized those narratives as being Marxist in nature.’

Lohmeier told ‘The following week, I was fired from my command for two reasons that were both false. The first reason was it was alleged that I was politically partisan while acting in an official capacity. That was false.’

‘Since taking command as a commander about 10 months ago, I saw what I consider fundamentally incompatible and competing narratives of what America was, is and should be.

‘That wasn’t just prolific in social media, or throughout the country during this past year, but it was spreading throughout the United States military. And I had recognized those narratives as being Marxist in nature.’

He explained the second reason claimed he had publicly criticized his chain of command, to which he told ‘That wasn’t true either.’

‘I was never found guilty of either of those things, and I separated from the military after a little over 15 years of service in the fall of 2021 without my pension,’ Lohmeier said.

The Space Force noted it had removed Lohmeier ‘due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead’ after comments he made in a podcast while promoting his book.

Lohmeier said he was not surprised by the ‘cowardly’ response of senior defense officials.

‘They were afraid of the political climate we had created for ourselves in the country, and they were afraid to stand by a straight white male who was criticizing some of the race based political activism that was occurring,’ He said.

‘I’m talking about the three and four star generals.’

Lohmeier had a long and distinguished military career before becoming embroiled in controversy over the DEI influence within the armed forces.

He graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 2006 and was commissioned as an officer in the Air Force. He completed two Master’s degrees, one in military strategy.

Flying F-15C fighter jets and working as a T-38 jet instructor pilot, Lohmeier transferred into US Air Force Space Command after seven years.

When Trump’s administration launched the Space Force in 2019, Lohmeier knew he was a ‘natural fit.’

‘I was one of the first officers, and my unit was one of the first units that transitioned into the new Space Force,’ he said.

‘And so I was as of 2020, and 2021, a commander in the Space Force of a space-based missile warning squadron.’

Space-based missile warning systems are satellites that use infrared technology to track missile launches from a ‘geosynchronous’ orbit (meaning their orbit matches Earth’s).

The Space Force now administers Cold War ground-based radar dishes used to detect missiles and the space-based missile warning system.

 ‘You have a prediction of where missiles are going to land, and you call commanders down range and our allies down range, and we let them know: ‘Duck and cover. There’s a rocket headed inbound,” explained Lohmeier.

‘At first it was established in the Cold War specifically for the detection and warning of intercontinental ballistic missiles, which carry the biggest threat, but then that capability was used for much smaller heat signatures, much smaller weapons, like the rockets and smaller missiles that are often lobbed in the Middle East against the State of Israel.’

Other Space Force responsibilities involved maintaining GPS systems, which, while used by civilians, are a military system maintained by Air Force operators in Colorado that came over to the Space Force.

‘In addition to missile warning and GPS, the Space Force does strategic communications,’ Lohmeier said.

‘If there’s any kind of communication that is other that could otherwise be disrupted in the land, sea or air domains, space is one of those ways in which strategic communications can be provided to warfighters or key political leaders like a commander in chief.’

The thinking behind the Space Force is to establish space as a ‘domain’ like land, sea and air, with experts who can make decisions, Lohmeier explained.

‘You don’t want people who are used to thinking about things from a terrestrial perspective to go work in the space domain,’ he said.

‘The purpose is to deter conflict in through and from space. And if conflict does happen, then, like every other domain, you’ve got experts in that domain who know how to assist in the waging of conflict.’

First published on The Daily Mail


How Did the Military Go Woke?

Matthew Lohmeier was interviewed by Restoration of America, which is dedicated to strengthening the foundations that made America the greatest nation in the world.

He gives a behind the scenes look into the Space Force and the ways in which Marxism has infiltrated our military. He shares why he decided to speak out and why it is essential that we reject Marxism to strengthen our military.



Trump MUST win to salvage US military WARNS Whistleblower!!

Matt Lohmeier was on Steve Gardner’s Taming Wall Street show talking about a number of different issues concerning the military.

Whistleblower: Trump MUST correct this…Or Iran, Russia and China will overwhelm US

Steve’s questions:

I first became aware of who you were at a Trump rally I believe In North Carolina. You talked with former president Trump about being in Space Force and losing everything because of raising concerns about DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the military. Can you tell me and my audience more about that?

If Trump gets back in he said he would like you to be on a task force to ensure racism and DEI don’t continue to disrupt the military.

On Twitter you said, If we are fortunate enough to see a Trump presidency once again, then there will be serious consequences for those senior leaders who have broken their oath, betrayed the trust of the American people, and participated in the hyper-politicization of the uniformed services.

What did you do in Space force and why was it created?

Did you or do you have any thoughts on 8000+ members of the US military being threatened and removed for refusing the brand new covid vaccines?

As a military person that has put in the time and put your life on the line, what are your thoughts on Harris and Biden allowing the United States to be invaded by so many illegal immigrants?

Many illegals are getting better income and benefits and medical help than Veterans. Thoughts on this travesty?


Unmasking the Marxist Agenda in the Military

Matt Lohmeier was a guest on Kingdom Podcast with Greg Hood going in-depth on Marxism in our country:

Excerpt from the interview:

“Unfortunately Nations tend to wake up to their own peril just a little bit too late, that’s just a historical artifact. If you study history enough you see that about the time people wake up to the fact that they’re in big trouble it’s because that trouble has come knocking at their front doors and not because it’s just beginning.

For over a half century Marxists who have an aim of Communist Revolution have sought as a matter of strategy to infiltrate the United States government among other institutions. In fact this is as old as before it ever came to the United States in Lincoln’s presidency in the early 1860s.

There’s a letter I’ve got it on my shelf behind me here in a book called Letters to Americans and Marx and Engels and their comrades were writing letters to Western European comrades and to folks in the United States stating very clearly that they had the aim of infiltrating the United States government by running for office for the United States Senate, for running for office for the United States House of Representatives and eventually the presidency.

It’s not a surprise to somebody who’s spent a little bit of time studying the development of their efforts to appreciate today even though someone like Joseph McCarthy was demonized at the time that he was effectively calling out a bunch of people for being communist infiltrators in the US government.

He was demonized and he was blacklisted by history which is an interesting title of an excellent book that essentially vindicates Joseph McCarthy’s efforts. I’d recommend that read, it’s a tone but it’s fascinating.

What we saw after the collapse of the Soviet Union in fact that he was right about a great number of things that were taking place in the United States government but it’s much worse today.

We had a a exciting reprieve from the fight against communism, it seemed after the collapse of the Soviet Union but in reality that just wasn’t true Marxism was already deeply in place in the university campuses in this country. It had been there for decades in fact, it was in politics in Washington DC.

Trevor Loudon has done excellent work exposing who some of those specific personalities are that have been in elected capacities in Washington DC for a very long time. David Horwitz has done great work about that–they’ve done excellent work.

Today what’s most surprising is that people can be openly affiliated with or supportive of or advocating for a Marxist worldview and they’re not considered an enemy to the United States or its values. In fact we’re supposed to be inclusive and say well that’s just their worldview and all worldviews equally matter.

We’ve become all too tolerant of an of an enemy in our midst. It will serve as our unmaking as a people unless a whole bunch of things change moving forward from now.

I’ll tell you honestly I go back forth depending on the day of the week whether or not it’s even possible to recover but I’m heavily invested in both studying current events but even more so history and and the cycles of nations and empires that come and go. I’ll tell you it’s downright depressing to see just where we’re at as a country right now, just how much our language has changed, just how much division there is, just how much inability to communicate with the other there is and there’s a visceral emotional guttural response that people are having to one another right now that that portends civil violence. So that’s why I actually wrote the book that got me in trouble. . . . “


Task Force to Rid DOD of the DEI Industry and Agenda

Matt Lohmeier was interviewed on OAN’s Real America with Dan Ball about Trump saying he would create a task force to root out the CRT/DEI agenda from the military and have Matt a part of the task force.



OAN Host Dan Ball
Now to discuss how our military is being demoralized by working in all this nonsense. Woke CRT crap that has nothing to do with protecting our country. It’s the man you saw right there calling out the president and saying, Will you do a task force? Will you get this out of our military ranks? I say he’s a hero just for doing that, but he’s done a lot more for this country.

He’s a former lieutenant colonel and commander in the Space Force. Or at least he was. He’s now the executive vice president of Starz’s US. Matt Lohmeier, the guy you saw right there on that stage in North Carolina with the 45th president. Matt. Thank you, brother, not only for coming on the show today, but thank you for having the guts to stand up there and really push on Trump, too, if he gets elected. God willing to get in there and fix the military. Thank you brother. Thank you.

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah, thanks for having me. Come on and talk about this. In fact, you just said something that Trump said after the cameras stopped rolling, which is worth repeating. He said, “Heaven willing, I’ll end up back in the white House and you’re coming with me.” He said, “I know my people when I see them, and you’re one of them, you’re coming with me.”

I really respect that about him. And I love the subtitles that you just showed on the screen as that clip was playing, which I hadn’t seen. It said in big, bold letters, and he gets it done. He listened and he got it done. I could sense as I stood there four feet from President Trump, as he looked me in the eyes, he knew I was serious.

He thought, here’s someone who’s serious, who can come in and help us clean up some of the problems. He was serious about getting it done. I’m serious about getting that done. And so heaven help us and heaven willing, he’ll end up back in the White House, come January of next year. I’m also hoping that he’ll make good on that promise, and I’ll end up on a task force that will help rid the military of the monster that is the diversity, equity and inclusion industry and agenda.

Dan Ball
I would put, every penny I have on him doing that. If you get in and if anything I can do to help. I’ll be there as well. Hopefully we’re getting another interview with him soon. I’m trying. I’m working on that, and I will ask him that very question about the awesome DEI nonsense in the military. Let’s back up a tick here.

And let folks know your story briefly, if you could. Why are you no longer in?

Matt Lohmeier
Sure. I wrote a bestselling book, what became a bestselling book called Irresistible Revolution. The subtitle says more than the title of the book does. Its Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military. It was a public criticism of critical race theory, cultural Marxism, the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda, and it was also championing the greatness of the American ideal.

I was fired for that book. It was a non truly nonpartisan book, but I had spent months before writing that book actually filing a formal written complaint with the Space Force Inspector General’s office detailing the ways in which we had unethical and illegal race based discrimination going on at the base and in the military, and tying the the current diversity, equity and inclusion agenda to its cultural Marxist roots, which a lot of people to this day surprisingly still deny.

And so I wrote a book about it. I spoke out about it. I was fired from my command for doing that, and I had spent over 15 years in the military on active duty service up until that point, both as a commander and also as a fighter pilot in the 15 C I’d been a T-38 instructor pilot, and I had a fairly successful career up until that point by anyone’s, standard.

What’s ironic about my firing for alleged political partisanship is that when I separated without my pension in the fall of 2021, I received later thereafter a notice from the Air Force inspector General’s office saying it had concluded an investigation into me, and I had been found guilty of no wrongdoing. So it was really a bitter irony.

I’ve said for a long, long time, I’ve been speaking in the public arena about these issues ever since. But I thought, surely we can do only so much pushing back, even from within the ranks or as private citizens. We need President Trump to start by issuing an executive order on day one, banning these CRT and DEI trainings.

But then it will require persistent, consistent oversight from some special task force to make sure that for years to come, we’re doing our best to root all of this out of the military, and that we’re incentivizing those men and women that actually love their country and that do truly see each other as equals, get them to a place where they’re incentivized to serve their country once again, fix the recruitment and retention issues that we’re facing.

Fix our service academies, the military service academies that also have problems with woke instructors and, woke activism. You really start to solve very quickly some of the big problems that we’ve introduced over the past four years. But some of those problems are going to take many years to fix, which is why we need a new administration.

Dan Ball
Well, besides the new administration, there’s going to be a lot of generals and some colonels. Yes, is fired, period. That’s right. I mean, they’re going to have to be, you know, they booted people out for refusing the facts. They booted you over the high stuff that you were standing up to. Yeah. There’s going to be a lot of top brass that need to go by, by not demotions, not a new command.

They’ll just reinstate their DEI crap. They need to be removed from the rank and file, period. Matt, let me ask you about that day with the president. Was that the original question did you plan on and how did you get there? And because that seemed pretty organic. And I saw you look at your notes and then you just kind of ad libbed, I do that a lot. So does Trump.

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah, he does. And I know he respects that about real men. So I thought as I sat there on the stage for a whole hour listening to this town hall, most of which I couldn’t really hear very well, I had a question in front of me that was driven by, polling numbers, and interest, and they gave us very strict instructions: don’t depart from the script that we’ve given you.

I understand why they do that, but I had to ask myself honestly as I sat there, is this why I’m here? To read a scripted question to the president? Or do I speak from the heart to a man who will recognize that and try and solve a problem?

And that’s exactly what I elected to do. And, felt led to ask exactly what I asked and to propose exactly what I proposed. And I, and I could tell that he recognized that judged accurately, that I meant what I said and was interested in solving the problem with me, which I very much respect about him.

Dan Ball
That’s amazing, I love it. And then right after you had that big, 15 seconds, 15 minutes of fame with the president on a national stage, on live television, you put a tweet out to your fellow service members, and I want to put that up and read that on this show, because I know we have a lot of veterans that watch this network on this program.

And, folks, let me tell you what Matt wrote here.

A NOTE ON THE NEW TASK FORCE: Since last night, when President Trump suggested at his Fayetteville Town Hall that he would put me on a special task force to rid the military of wokeism and DEI, I’ve had troops sending me screen shots of trainings they’re still receiving: pro LGBTQ agenda, pro trans, pro anti-white racism, anti-Americanism etc.

I HAVE A REQUEST OF OUR TROOPS: please start capturing screenshots today of emails and trainings you’re receiving. They will try to hide and delete and cover up evidence of their involvement if Trump wins, but there will be accountability. We will ensure we eliminate this rot from the military. Many patriotic, America-loving men and women wish to serve in the world’s greatest military. We can make it strong and great again but we need accountability. You can help us with that. Capture the evidence.

I wanted to put that all call out Matt to the Active-Duty troops or veterans that may have gotten out recently, and maybe you took screenshots. You saved some emails. Send them to Matt and Matt. How do we do?

So I know you have this amazing. Is it a nonprofit? I checked your website today STARRS, that’s STARRS.US.

Matt Lohmeier
STARRS dot US, STARRS with two R’s. It is an education based nonprofit that’s focused on educating Americans about the Marxist rot that’s even infiltrated our military. It champions the greatness of the American ideal, the oath that all of our veterans and our current active duty service members took to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And it’s truly nonpartisan. I mean, it is an education platform. It’s a phenomenal website. You can contact me and us there. We have a list of, I think it’s now 200 pages of boots on the ground perspective, feedback, unsolicited from our troops that we’ve gathered from online and that they’ve sent directly to us about what they’re seeing by way of training in the military. (1,900 comments showing CRT/DEI agenda hurts recruitment, retention and moral)

Please send it to that website and we’ll continue to collect it, compile it, and make sure that it’s, it’s reviewed thoroughly every single submission that we get so that I can take that with me to that task force if Trump ends up in office again.

Dan Ball
Well, again, we’ll end where we began. God willing, the 45th president will become the 47th. And then there’s a whole lot of work to do in this country, from foreign policy to the economy to the border. But the military, if we don’t have one, we’re not a country. We have to have a strong military, a non woke military that is battle ready at any moment and right now.

And I hate saying this when I say it on live television to the enemy, but I don’t feel under this regime our fighting forces are as ready as they used to be because of the woke training, because of all the people that got kicked out and because of the people that left over all of this. Matt, thank you so much and I will keep you, let me tell you what, you’re on speed dial from now on. You know, you’re an ex Air Force guy that went Space Force. I’m an old Air Force guy as well. I worked for Air Force back in the day. So I informed you and made you laugh while you were flying.

So. We all had our role to play, right? And we have to fix this. It has to be fixed. Matt Lohmeier, folks look up his website. His charity nonprofit rather nonprofit with two R’s. And if you’re active duty or veteran, help him. We’ve got to get this wokeism out of our active duty. Matt God bless you, brother. You take care.

Matt Lohmeier
Thanks, Dan. We’ll see you. Yep.


Matt Lohmeier on Marxism, CRT, and the Unmaking of the Military joins Take FiVe

“I really want to emphasize that men and women have no better opportunity in their lifetime to exhibit courage on the world stage and in their sphere of influence than they have at the moment. I’d like to invite men to step up and be men, and to have courage.”

Matt Lohmeier was interviewed on His Glory TV. Starts at the 4:40 mark. Watch:


Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
. . . . All right. Now, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier. Lieutenant Colonel, thank you for joining us.

00:04:43:02 – 00:04:45:00
Matt Lohmeier
Happy to be here. Thanks.

00:04:45:03 – 00:04:59:17
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
So, could you give, the his glory, audience and family a background on yourself? I mean, I look at that year to master’s degrees in Space Force and wow, fighter pilot. This is pretty, pretty impressive stuff.

00:04:59:20 – 00:05:25:29
Matt Lohmeier
Yeah. I started my military career at the US Air Force Academy out in Colorado. And, that’s where I decided I wanted to fly after graduating and commissioning. ended up doing that. I was a T-38 instructor pilot for a number of years in Oklahoma. I spent a bit of time, down in Texas. In fact, we have a program called the Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals that we do after someone leaves pilot training.

And in my case, after I left, being an instructor pilot in Oklahoma, I went down to Wichita Falls, Texas, for my first time in Texas. left there, went to, Oregon to learn how to fly the F-15 C and went on from there to Okinawa, Japan, and flew jets, as you’ve indicated before joining the Air Force Space Community, which later became the U.S. Space Force and ultimately finished up my career as a commander in the U.S Space Force and leading, a unit that accomplishes our nation’s space based missile warning program.

00:05:59:26 – 00:06:16:28
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
Wow. That’s a that’s amazing. well, we’ll get into that. Also, the day of the military and what’s happening on our military today. Yeah. but fighter pilots are near and dear to my heart. My grandfather was a reason I went in the Marines was because he was a fighter pilot in World War Two, in the Korean War, a marine, lieutenant colonel as well. And, so watch what you guys do as a fighter. Pilots are just absolutely amazing stuff. So can you talk about, the day and state of our military right now? Well, what’s happened to our military?

00:06:31:02 – 00:07:08:27
Matt Lohmeier
Yeah, I do focus personally and professionally on diversity, equity and inclusion. It’s lineage of ideas which stem from Marxist ideology; many people are waking up to that reality. but it is DEI that is not the only the reason our military is currently suffering retention and recruiting issues. It’s not the only reason, our ability to maintain an effective mission ready force is being affected or it’s not the only reason it’s suffering.

However, I do focus quite a bit on that, and it plays a tremendous, role. It is one of the root causes for, many of the problems were suffering. So diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives have been around, of course, in the universities for decades now. And we’ve seen, if we’ve been paying attention, the ways in which ideology can be so utterly divisive, it can wrecked it, can wreck proper thinking as it seeks to attack Western civilization.

Critical theory, specifically, any of its variants, what people are now colloquially referring to as wokeism is precisely what I’m talking about. And that is a kind of religious worldview in and of itself that determines for you who the bad guys are, who the good guys are, and how to line up on on the right side of things, who the oppressor and who the oppressed classes in society are now that’s predominantly race based, although they’ll they’ll grab a hold of any particular subset of society they think they can sufficiently agitate to cause unrest, aggression, hatred and violence.

In my view, the father of lies is the founder of all of this. And it’s not just as old as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who happened to put together the Communist Manifesto in 1848 with a similar narrative. It goes back to the very beginning of recorded human history, and, and it wears many masks. It goes by many different names, but its most recent variant, I’ll say, to keep it simple is diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives that pits people against one another.

You can imagine how that might wreak havoc in an institution such as the Department of Defense that requires unity in order to be effective in its mission. Instead of unity, you have division. You have mistrust. For the other, you have a disrespect for leadership and race politics, eventually, or inevitably then, predominates in the culture.

That’s the thing I’ve been trying to speak up about and against for several years now. It’s the reason I was fired from my command back in 2021. And, in fact, the reason I’ve joined a nonprofit organization called STARRS, you can see the sign right over my shoulder that that is a veteran led nonprofit that focuses specifically on eliminating diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives from the United States military and tries to refocus our troops, our senior leaders in the military on, the things that actually unite people, which is their mission, their common mission, their common blood, their common uniform, and a love, for their country and for the Constitution and the ideals that shaped our country.

00:09:56:22 – 00:10:14:19
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
Yeah. It’s, it’s, insanity what’s happened to our military is you talking about stars? We’ve had General Bishop on several times. He’s been a huge fighter and proponent to stop this day. I did get a call about a year ago from a Canadian former Canadian general, what they were doing in our academy in the Air Force. I got it to General Bishop, and he was able to change it in the academy. But to for that type of behavior to get that far was extremely concerning. How did how does our military, the generals, allow something like this to happen in our academies?

00:10:32:22 – 00:10:55:18
Matt Lohmeier
Some of them happen to be true believers in these ideas, unfortunately, and many of them are afraid to speak up. And there’s a lack of courage, culturally, we’ve created a climate of fear. There’s a pendulum that swings, of course, back and forth. And, in the aftermath of the last presidential election and the instantiate of a new regime, there was a tremendous fear that people had.

They were afraid of being labeled something like racist. They were afraid to say something that could be perceived as going against a party, an official party line, and as we’ve seen, I think especially in the past year, people starting to regain some courage there. They’re learning enough about these issues that are hurting recruiting and retention, thanks to organizations like STARRS and General Bishop and others to to to make that determination in their mind that enough is enough.

If I don’t speak up, who will? I’m willing to join the ranks of those who are fighting back and speaking up and try and make a difference, even at the local level. The best all of us can really do is to try and become educated ourselves, and then to exhibit the courage to speak up and use our voice freely and respectfully in whatever sphere of influence it is that we happen to occupy.

And that can go much further and make tremendous impact in ways that we can’t foresee always.

00:11:54:07 – 00:12:18:21
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
Well, General Bishop, General McInerney, General Valley–General McInerney, and General Valley are on with us every month. So the last jabs that went after, military people in the military that, you know, had lieutenant colonels like yourself in the Marines, there were fighter pilots in Arizona, 18 years experience, if they wouldn’t have taken the jab that they were going to get dishonorably discharged.

What has happened again to our military? And talk about somebody like your level, Lieutenant Colonel, you’re the one of the most seasoned, officers out there, and all the training is taking you to get to that point. How damaging is that to our military and readiness?

00:12:37:13 – 00:13:11:16
Matt Lohmeier
It’s proven to be terribly damaging, not just because we’ve lost over 8000 of our troops because of what I now clearly see was, an unethical and illegal mandate. In some ways and, it seems to have specifically targeted conservative Christian service members who had a spine and, whether or not any individual went about their resistance to that unethical mandate, appropriately, they were all trying to, be true to their own convictions.

Now you’ve got that small percentage of the military that’s effectively been purged during this regime as a consequence of them standing on principle, saying it went against their personal views or convictions or religious ideas or convictions and, what’s more, and what’s equally as concerning to me, it’s not just the injustice of the treatment of some of those who resisted.

It’s the lasting, consequences for those of our service members who are still in uniform, who chose, in many cases, very reluctantly, to go ahead and and take that shot or series of shots. They’ve had terrible health problems. There’s a Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long in the Army who’s just now retiring after her honorable service, and she’s been a foremost whistleblower, talking about some of the terrible, devastating consequences of, as as a result of this, really quite foolish policy of mandating that your very young, all volunteer, healthy, relatively healthy force, submit themselves to an experimental shot.

You have to begin to question the motives. Of course, as we’ve seen, the difficult, consequences from a health perspective are good. The grounding of pilots and, and people ending up with lifelong, debilitating, sickness, for example, you have to wonder what agenda was at play and who’s behind an agenda, because I don’t think it was an accident that that’s what we saw happen now.

00:14:51:06 – 00:15:09:12
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
And it’s very concerning when you hear pilots that just collapse, in the cockpit. Right. And I heard many stories of Marines that way.

Lieutenant Colonel, can you talk about the readiness of our armed forces? We see recruiting numbers are way down. Readiness? Just, potential recruits. I saw something yesterday. Like 70% of American, youth could not pass a physical to get into the military today. so where are we at? A readiness if we had to go to some sort of extended war or, heaven forbid, on 2 or 3 fronts at once.

00:17:49:20 – 00:18:15:21
Matt Lohmeier
Yeah. We do have a problem overextending ourselves on the world stage, which is a concern even when you’re in a, a ready to fight fit, state as a military. Of course, there’s been concern for some time that we’re not necessarily in a ready state to to fight a war. I just had an email come in earlier this morning sharing with me from a cadet at West Point that Elon Musk just visited this past week.

I was really interested in finding out what Elon Musk was going. I’m surprised they let him show up at West Point in the first place given the controversy about his stand on free speech and his alignment with conservatism over the past couple of years, and West Point’s been the opposite, in fact, in many respects, but Elon Musk shared with this group of cadets, as a primary concern, the military’s readiness to wage conflict and not just on a multi, regional scale, but in any, serious conflict with a great power competitor.

I think it was unspoken. I don’t have a recording of what he said. I think it’s unwritten. But, he indicated, that he thought our ability to manufacture weapons and military capabilities in this country is far too slow. And I’ll add from a to compete at that level anymore, and that, I’ll add.

Our ability to keep ready aircraft, and mission capable numbers, of both personnel and machinery has suffered for the for the past several years even as we can’t retain the talent that we have, even if certain people are on medical profiles or have become sick as a consequence of this illegal shot mandate. so there’s a very negative trend as far as military readiness, our ability to wage combat.

Heritage Foundation even has conducted annually independent assessments of the US military strength. And I think that the name of their annual report that they put out is an index of U.S. military strength. Overall, in 2023, the report concluded that, the US military was weak, I think is the word that they used as their overall rating. There were multiple levels and some of the branches of the military, including the Air Force and Space Force or one or the other was very weak, and that the way in which they go about making that assessment is not just, a wag.

They have, metrics that they use, like the mission capability of our fighter force, for example, of our Navy ships. So when you see both, word of mouth, feedback coming from our troops about their dissatisfaction about morale in the workplace, on the one hand, you see metrics based, analysis coming out of institutions like the Heritage Foundation who are trying to provide the American people and members of Congress, some awareness of what they ought to be looking into and how to fix some of these problems.

You begin to see a very concerning picture emerge. It’s that there is a consensus from boots on the ground to, to members of Congress, to, the veteran community that we might not necessarily be properly postured to wage a serious conflict, on the world stage, that ought to frighten Americans. If if all of the other concerns and problems that we were having as a country didn’t exist, and there are many of those from border issues to public education issues to you name it, whatever your issue is said.

All of those aside, let’s say they were all cleaned up tomorrow, and the only remaining problem was whether or not you’ve got a lethal, capable, ready, high morale military to protect your nation. That issue alone is is has enough weight to it that, it could protect it could potentially put the United States in jeopardy, of losing its security and not being able to defend itself.

I think we’ve seen a turn in and the tides, so to speak, from the comfortable position we were in post-Cold War where we came out, the kings of the world, so to speak, and, had a relatively, hubristic, proud approach, on the world stage and, the ability to exert power in the Middle East and on multiple fronts to now the, a debacle in the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the lack of credibility and seriousness both with our allies and the enemies on the world stage.

All of that goes a long way when you’re trying to project power or to maintain your security. We’re we’re staring into the abyss at the moment, I think standing on the precipice and the American people have really, you know, I say this is not speaking on behalf of my organization, but just as a personal opinion.

The American people have very serious decisions to make here come election season. If we’d like to plunge into that abyss or if we’d like to try and reverse course and, and we have to choose wisely and hope that our, our votes count. Right. And hope that the system hasn’t been so ultimately compromised that none of that matters anyway, that in fact, it does matter.

And so we speak up. We vote, we vote, and we we try our best to influence a positive outcome because that’s that’s about all you can hope to accomplish as a bystander and as a citizen at this point. You do your part and you pray and hope that, the outcomes can be different for the next administration.

00:23:32:23 – 00:23:50:27
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
So how do we how do we do that? How do we get this, get our military back in ready order. And I’ll ask you a second question. The question is, which I ask every lieutenant colonel and every general that comes out his glory. What happened? What’s what’s this disconnect between the lieutenant colonels and a four star generals of today? And why are the four star generals not exercising their constitutional rights in the military to make sure this stuff does not happen on their watch?

00:24:02:01 – 00:24:24:04
Matt Lohmeier
Yeah. You know, Lieutenant colonels, for example, promote through the ranks based on their merit. Largely it should be that way, and accomplishment and talent. You get beyond that to a certain point, people begin retiring, and then you have political appointees that end up being general officers, flag officers. Many of them are good, good men and women, don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful for the good men and women. but there is a political aspect to their ongoing service, as general and flag officers, that they are reluctant, extremely reluctant to compromise, and to, be disloyal to. I think they’re interested in being yes men and yes women.

There’s been a time and place for that, and it’s been necessary for a functioning military. There’s civilian control of the military, but we’ve now got, a position where we’ve got more and more political ideologues who are rising to power because of their political worldview.

If they don’t share in the same political worldview or seem to be contrary in any way, then they they find that they’re somehow disqualified for continued progress through the ranks, and that there’s been a subtle shift over time. But it’s apparent now, now that it’s kind of taken root. There was a purge of general officers under the Obama regime, and you ended up with, certain political leaning after that phase.

There’s been a purge that’s been deliberate during this administration. People find themselves disgusted if they maybe share our worldview or some semblance of our worldview. So they choose to retire, they choose to get out of that arena and to go into a more private life at the very moment when they should, in fact, be speaking up.

So that’s why I think there’s a disconnect between maybe the lieutenant colonel and the general officer ranks. But back to your first question. How do you solve this problem? The military up front. We need a different administration. You’re not going to solve these problems with the current administration or a 2.0 of this administration after election season, and you need new senior leaders.

We need we need to hold senior leaders accountable. We need to hold the lowest level of our military accountable for political activism in any form. They’re welcome to their political worldview, but they need to be laser focused on the mission that they do and becoming lethal ready warriors. They need to have instilled in them the kind of respect for the warrior ethos from senior leaders that we’ve had for so many decades that we’ve now lost.

I just reviewed some training from the Air Force Academy, in fact, that I got yesterday in an email and was a bit I was embarrassed to read the language that our new cadets that are coming into the Air Force Academy are getting from their senior leaders. It doesn’t engender respect. It’s not impressive. It looks like it was written by people who are somewhat uneducated, but who have a political ax to grind.

I thought, yeah, these young men and women are going to show up and what they thought they were signing up for. It is not what they’re meeting with and their experience there and some of them are going to be discouraged by that, and some of them might not choose to stay in and commission. Some of them have expressed I’ve heard anecdotally that they hope things will be different when they commission and get out into the real Air Force.

They might be unfortunately surprised, too. So we need an overhaul of the leadership in the military. You can’t do that under the current administration. I think, speaking of accountability. Some people need to be recalled and tried for illegal activity. That’s the that’s the bottom line. You can’t let people get away with criminal conduct, illegal discrimination, unethical behavior and go off quietly into the night and and enjoy a comfortable retirement.

I’m not calling for anything radical. I’m saying you need to instill accountability in this country. Otherwise you lose it forever. You have an unjust state. When you have an unjust state, things will devolve all the more rapidly into something I warned about in the book that I wrote, which is civil conflict.

So to say nothing of all of our great competitors on the world stage, the rest of Russia’s and the Chinas of the world, and maintaining the respect of our alliances in the on the world stage, you’ve got a domestic problem, that’s been fueled by illegal immigration, but it’s also fueled by the terrible partisan divide that we’ve got at the moment where people actually hate the other, and that’s grown so aggressive that there are people now of the view.

I’m not advocating for this, but they’re now of the view that there’s only one solution to the problem we face. It’s to kill. When you get to a point like that in a country, any number of matches, so to speak, could be lit. That could ignite the whole thing. You can’t predict how that might play out.

So I really hope and pray that we have more time to solve some of these problems, reverse course, repent as a country, and to start to heal some of the fractious divide that we’re seeing, lest we end up on that path.

00:29:07:18 – 00:29:25:05
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
Yeah. Absolutely. Right. When we sign up for the military, we’re signed to the Constitution, lawful orders. I like what you said. We have to follow these generals need to follow lawful orders. Me as a private I have to follow lawful orders. I’ll let you have the last 30s. Lieutenant Colonel.

00:29:25:08 – 00:29:43:11
Matt Lohmeier
Well, I really want to emphasize that men and women have no better opportunity in their lifetime to exhibit courage on the world stage and in their sphere of influence than they have at the moment. I’d like to invite men to step up and be men, and to have courage.

00:29:43:13 – 00:30:01:10
Dave Scarlett, Take Five Host
Thank you so much, Lieutenant. The lieutenant Colonel, thank you for serving this great country. God’s not done with us, Eagle Nation. Thank you so much. That is today’s take five going is.


Lohmeier: DEI is Crushing Military Morale and Readiness

Matthew Lohmeier was recently interviewed on the Brian Thomas Morning radio show about his book and the problem of the radical DEI agenda in the military.


Episode Transcript
Transcript automatically generated

Hi, It’s Brian Thomas, 55 Carsey Morning Show. Happy to welcome to the 55 Carsey Morning Show Matthew Lohmeier. He is a 2006 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. He started his active duty military career as a pilot, flew over twelve hundred hours and a T-38 as an instructor pilot after followed by the F-15C.

After flying, he cross trained into space operations: first in a space based missile warning October twenty twenty, he transferred to the United States Space Force. He’s got two Masters agree and a Military Operations Art and Science, Masters of Philosophy and Military Strategy, and up until recently it was a Lieutenant colonel at command of the Space Based Missile Warning Squadron in Colorado.

Welcome to the fifty five Ksey Morning Show. Now retired, Matthew Lohmeier, author of,  came out in 2021, but still so very important Irresistible Revolution: Marxism Goal of Conquest, and the Unmaking of the American Military.

Matthew, it is a pleasure to have you on the program. And what a scary title that is.

It is a scary title, very deliberately written, and I’m happy to join you.

Well, we’ve got a lot of military families in the listening audience. I do everything I can in my power on the radio to help out veterans and veterans causes, and so you’re going to sell a lot of these books, and rightfully so. DEI in the military.

I’ve been reading about it for years. I’ve had my I’ve got military folks currently serving and have recently served or retired talking about what a problem is all the resources thrown at DEI issues, and mostly the E is the problem.

They’re promoting people from outside the normal channels of the ranks, and people who are qualified getting pushed back to the side, and having folks promoted above those that are qualified merely because they fill the blank in on certain DEI related issues. I mean, that’s just not right.

That’s got to be terrible from morale. And what’s that got to do, if I may be so bold, Matthew Lohmeier, what has that got to do with killing people and breaking things, which is the primary goal of the military.

Well, you’re absolutely right that the E in DEI is a tremendous problem. But the diversity part is also a problem because what they pretend to aspire to is some kind of authentic diversity. What they really mean by that is race based quotas, and it destroys the merit based system that we need in a lethal and ready fighting force.

In the United States military, we’ve always had and prized a merit based selection and promotion process, and instead the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda effectively destroys that merit.

And so you’re absolutely right. It is debilitating of the morale, the good order and discipline of our troops, and it’s undermining our readiness and lethalities. Of course, well is looking at your subtitle Marxism goal of conquest in the unmaking American military.

That’s the goal, isn’t it to ruin morale and reduce the numbers of people willing to volunteer for an all volunteer military.

Yeah, your listeners are going to be well aware of the fact that for decades now the universities have been plagued with Marxist ideology, Marxist thought. The overarching aim of my book that I had written really at the time immediately following the transition from President Trump to the current administration.

The aim of the book is to clearly show that all of the diversity and inclusion trainings, the vocabulary, and the agenda first and foremost is rooted in Marxist revolutionary thought, and that it’s finally made its way out of the universities and elsewhere into the uniform services.

That it’s dividing our troops, it’s hitting people against one another and therefore crushing morale and readiness, and it’s also having a terrible impact on a recruiting and retention efforts, which is why we’re having abysmal recruiting rates and not meeting our goals.

And ultimately it’s a warning to the American people and to our service members and to senior defense officials that unless we abandon this divisive path that is part of the deliberately a part of the diversity and inclusion agenda, it will unfortunately lead to violence because of the visceral emotional response that people have for one another when they genuinely start to believe in these ideas that they’re not those ideas which include that the like, for example, the police are inherently racist.

That’s a BLM philosophy, and of course the BLM folks were admittedly Marxist. That’s one of the tenets of the legs of Marxist philosophy is to undermine our belief in and our respect for the military and the police.

Those are institutions which are directly connected with the evil need to be overthrown capitalist system. They are a the muscle for the capitalists, and what we need to do is undermine there. Therefore, the capitalist system will fall as the military and the police system falls. I mean, that’s a goal they have.

It is a goal. In fact, I recently went to Minneapolis as a part of a film that I’m shooting that’s going to come out this fall, just prior to the election. I can’t yet say the name, but everyone should end up hearing about it.

And what I saw in Minneapolis that was the result of one terrible leadership for a number of years. But this kind of activism that is fraught with the diversity and inclusion agenda and initiatives and language vocabulary, is that it completely wrecks a city.

And I’ve seen what happened right there on George Floyd Square where there’s a memorial there, and in the city surrounding that area. And I’m telling you that the same thing is happening to the military, and a smaller scale to be sure, But it’s not just a criticism of the police force. And it is exactly that, just like you’ve mentioned.

I heard at my base, and other troops are hearing at their bases a criticism of America’s founders as white supremacists and racists, and a criticism of America’s founding values and principles that actually made us the priest and greatest country in history.

That is so heart wrenching to hear. Let me ask you this. I mean, we’re, as you pointed out, we’re all painfully aware that college education is now replete and filled with DEI and woke Marxist philosophy.

It’s been that way for a long time. We know it’s seeped its way in K through twelve education with the same kind of principles being taught to our young people, and that worked itself into the Department of Education. That is a concerted effort. You can do that when you have this unified, uh just basically one size fits all education system.

Here’s the curriculum. Teach every kid that how in God’s name, did this curriculum, this philosophy make it into America’s military right?

Well, at first it began with activism after the death of George Floyd. We had service members high and low that were activists, just like you saw in the news where cities are burning and police cars are being smashed and windows being smashed.

That same activism and a small scale began to spread its way through the military because the seeds had been planted and they’re in trainings over the number of course of a number of years.

But President Trump in September of twenty twenty attempted to end forever: the diversity and inclusion trainings that we were seeing in the United States military by executive order, and he did just that, and there was a several month reprieve from this kind of training.

But Joe Biden in this administration, on January twentieth of twenty twenty one, reverse President Trump’s executive order by executive fiat and brought back these diversity and inclusion trainings and agenda with a bang.

And of course, he selected a Secretary of Defense in Lloyd Austin that is very much in support of this agenda. He has a very different world view the most Americans, and he believes in the oppressor versus oppressed narrative of human events that was taught by Marx and Engels one hundred and fifty plus years ago in the Communist Manifesto.

And these guys, through policy, expect these trainings and trainings to fill the military workplace. We’ve even had superintendents that are military service academy, such as the Air Force Academy, my own alma mater, say that they’re going to fill the university there, the Military Service Academy with diversity, equity and inclusion, in every nook and cranny of that service academy.

We need to eliminate poor leadership in the next administration. We need to make sure that we completely abolish all of these DEI policies, and we need to get our military back on track, which is my foremost concern, although it’s infecting every other federal agency as well as we’ve recently seen and are seeing in the headlines today as of yesterday and the day before well, and obviously that is a problem that’s not going to go anyway soon given the size, scope and inability to fire anybody in the administrative state.

But and you made a great point in bringing up Donald Trump in his efforts to get rid of this, which you’ve said, we’re successful at least for a short period of time.

As commander in chief, he essentially is the Department of Education when it comes to the curriculum in the military.

Right, can he eliminate this if Donald Trump is elected president again and turn the ship around. Yeah, that’s an important, or I should say critical part of fixing the problem. It’s getting the right commander in chief in and ensuring that we’ve got both corrective policy in place, and also selecting the right leaders the right oversight committees to make sure that and I’m not talking about Congress, I’m talking about they’re actually both congressionally mandated as well as executive a point of positions that provide oversight of our military service academies to ensure these kinds of things go away and go away fast.

But of course, cultural change doesn’t necessarily happen rapidly. It’s going to take time and concerted effort and courage from those that still wear the uniform of their country to speak up respectfully and say, hey, we disagree with what’s being taught. It’s against our values, it’s discriminating and makes it uncomfortable. It’s not inclusive. There’s no real diversity here. My viewpoint is denigrated.

I don’t see the authenticity and this approach, and I think if more and more people speak up about that, we’re far more likely to see the cultural change that we need. But it starts, indeed, with the right commander in chief setting the right policy. And unfortunately, because we’re so divided, that is what it comes down to at the moment.

But it would have been unthinkable two decades ago and three decades ago for any commander in chief to make policies that are deliberately apparently dividing our troops in uniform underscore what you just said, deliberately that’s the most frightening component of everything that we have talked about and everything that you talk about in your book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military by retired Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier.

I really wish your book was sort of like a warning about what could have happened or could happen, as opposed to the reality of what is currently happening. But you sound like you at least have some measure of optimism.

With a different commander in chief and different policies, we can turn this ship around and head back in the right direction. God bless you, sir for the time you spell my listeners and meet this morning. The book itself, Irresistible Revolution, which my listeners can get at my blog page fifty five KRC dot com. I will strongly encourage them to do that and share it with every single one of their friends.

Thank you very much, been my pleasure.

Thanks again for your time and your service to our country and your continued service.


Former Space Force commander Matthew Lohmeier sounds alarm on the ‘very dangerous’ impact of DEI policy

Former Lt. Col. Space Force commander Matthew Lohmeier joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss how DEI in the military is potentially impacting military readiness.


Fox Host:
In the military has our next guest, a former Space Force commander, lieutenant colonel, up in arms after he says he was fired and lost his pension for speaking out after serving in the military for over a decade. Matt Lohmeier ripped DEI training for dividing troops, decreasing morale, and ultimately affecting military readiness, which prompted action against him. Executive Vice president of STARRS Matt Lohmeier joins us now.

Good morning. Lieutenant Colonel, thank you for joining us. We were just talking in the commercial break there–you weren’t just fired from your position. You were also pushed out of the Space Force altogether. You lost your career over this?

Matt Lohmeier:
Yeah. You know, unfortunately for the American people and for all of the men and women in uniform, it’s been considered for a number of years now to be politically partisan to speak up against diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. And of course, anyone who’s looked into this matter knows it shouldn’t necessarily be considered a partisan issue. I wasn’t interested in being politically partisan while I wore the uniform of the country and was in command of a Space Force unit. But of course, senior military leaders, especially under the current administration, decided that because of the climate of fear that we had created for ourselves, they ought to treat my criticism of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives as partisan and, quote unquote, hold me accountable for speaking out against it.

Fox Host:
Now, one thing on my fact sheet here that I found really interesting a study, I believe it was by Arizona State University. And basically they found that part of the policy is that you’re mandated or required or encouraged to tell on others if they have a negative opinion of DEI. Did you experience that?

Matt Lohmeier:
In fact, come to think of it, I did experience that. A fellow commander informed me, that they’re aware of my kind of politics and that they’d be happy to turn me into the base commander if I continued to privately criticize our diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. But this problem has grown far beyond what I experienced personally and professionally in the military workplace.

That report that you’ve just mentioned from Arizona State University’s Center for American Institutions, specifically mentioned some of the things that are happening currently at our military service academies. My own alma mater, the U.S. Air Force Academy, has diversity and inclusion cadet officers who wear a special insignia within their cadet squadrons that were purple braided ropes over the shoulders. And they report to us a separate chain of command other than their military chain of command relating to diversity and inclusion issues. It reminds one of Soviet political commissars that have been established in both in the Soviet Union and other Marxist revolutionary efforts throughout the last century. So this is a very dangerous, very divisive ideology and we treat it any more like it’s a protected religious worldview, but not just protected, but one that others ought to step in line with and support in their words and actions otherwise face consequences.

Fox Host:
Lieutenant Colonel, you show courage by joining the military. You showed even more courage by sticking to your oath and standing up for things you believe are American and honest and true and detrimental to our readiness. I can’t thank you enough for your service. Real quick, want to read this: the U.S. Space Force has not returned our request for comment. So we have your perspective today, and we appreciate it. Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier, thank you for joining us.

Matt Lohmeier:
Thanks for having me.


Lt Col Lohmeier: Speak the Truth, Exhibit Courage

Matthew Lohmeier, former USAF/USSF Lt. Colonel and 2006 USAFA grad, has powerful words about the actions of US leaders have made a statement to the world that we’re not a serious nation, what real freedom-loving leaders would do, and the need for current military service members to speak the truth, stand on principles and values and exhibit courage. Censorship and self-censorship are harbingers of societal failure.

He was interviewed on Fox News by Pete Hegseth. Watch:


Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier: Does US Have a Fighting Force?

Matthew Lohmeier was on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Judging Freedom show:

Some comments on video:

“I am a retired Marine; This man knows what he is talking about and is illuminating exactly what is wrong with the American military.”

“I have 3 nephews, all were / are Active Duty. 2 Navy,1 Army. My eldest nephew was a Navy Aviator. Flew the Growler, F-35s & was an Instructor. He flew some of the stunts in Tom Cruz’s last movie. He & my Army nephew have both quit the Military even though they planned on making it their Careers. Both said,” Can’t take the Woke Cr*p anymore.”

“Well, my son is in right now and he has eleven months left and he will be done! i did 21 in the military. i talk to him and some of the things he says he has had briefings on just leaves me with a WTF look on my face! i told him you do your time and get outta there before something happens and you get sucked into it! they do no real training! he has a rifle that they gave him and he has never got to go zero yet and its been nine months! its all about the higher ups at the expense of the lower enlisted! it is darn sickening to see the e-4 and below get thrown under the bus to make the higher ups look good for promotion! they dont get much ammo when they do train, he is a mortar man and his last time at the range they got maybe 20 rounds to train with but, you can bet ukraine got mortar rounds to fire! it sickens me! “when you elect clowns and they promote jesters, dont be surprised when your govt and your military turns into a circus!” our defeat on the battlefield is going to be catastropic and that defeat is fast approaching!”

“I hope his discharge can be reversed in the next administration. As to the issue of race in the military, his testimony is truly depressing. I was a young Naval officer 50 years ago as our country came out from the Vietnam War and a decade of race riots in the 60s. The Navy took on the issue of racial discrimination/tension head on. I was enlisted to teach a basic course in “Navy rights and responsibilities” probably written by one of the big consulting firms. The training was somewhat amusing but had two takeaways: 1) all members of the military will be treated with respect, regardless of race, or else, and 2) we are here for mission accomplishment, no other reason. Remarkably, this worked for the next 20 years until I retired in 1993. This progress has been destroyed by Austin and Co. I observe this with great sadness and some trepidation about the future.”

“It only takes a couple of minutes into that interview to realise this young guy must of excelled in all aspects of his career. Very analytical and insightful thinking you could he was still in first gear brushing the surface of his knowledge and experience. Definitely need to invite him back.”

“This is an exceptional young man. What is confounding is that the US Military would see fit to turn him out, thereby diluting the effectiveness of their force capability. I say this because it is doubtful the majority of todays military has Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier’s intelligence, integrity, loyalty, commitment of purpose, and I don’t doubt, ability to be lethal when necessary. This fine fellow is a welcome addition to the analysis team. I know his input will be valuable.”

“Listening to this Lt Col. made my blood boil and I’m a Brit! The US needs this kind of individual in charge of its military, not getting fired. Woke extremism could potentially be the death of us all. V sadly, it’s happening here too.”

How DEI Is Weakening The Military with Matthew Lohmeier (TFTC Podcast)

Marty sits down with Lt. Col Matthew Lohmeier to discuss how politics and DEl are dividing and weakening the US military, and how the silent majority can speak up and resist.

0:00 – Intro
6:45 – Politics dividing the military
15:57 – Military of the best
22:28 – DEI harms those it “protects”
27:00 – US weakening is rapid and likely intentional
40:15 – What’s making us stronger?
47:12 – First steps to mending
54:18 – Call to the silent majority
50:03 – Money and incentives
1:02:15 – Define your values